"By the way, how would you say you would fair against living, enemies? How many would the jedi kill?" She added.

Barris was deathly silent as she just watched the sim infront of her, as a cold dark realization hit her, for the only time she had ever killed a living being, was on that world of hell, of death, of bodied filled trenches. As the young Barris was slowly becoming lost in her thoughts of despair, for the former Legate it was the perfect opening to slowly implement her ideals, her philosophy, her plans.

With an order, Belloma had her droid forces press the right flank, separating the flank and center.

"I realized long before I became who I was, that there is no clean hands in war, so I chose the path that would let me wash them, even if some marks remained. The Salt Plains, I would be the hand that mobilized the white legs, after they were taught the ways of war." She added, looking up.

"My hands, when I had a body, were dirty hands, so many days, red rivers, the smells that were left behind. My own mother would have disapproved, but, Time passed, and when I found her, I knew I made the right choice, I wasn't broken." She added, still waiting for Barris to make her move.

Barris finally looked up, staring the former legate right into her eyes, but these were not the eyes of a healer, of a jedi leaner, or even of a veteran. No, these eyes that was staring into the former legate was of a woman, broken by war looking for an answer, a purpose to her life.

Finally after what seems like minutes Barris finally asks, "Am i broken?" in a voice so small, so broken, it was almost as if her mind was attempting to revert to that of a child like state to protect her from going mad.

Belloma reached across, the battle waged on, as one unit was destroyed and encircled the rest of the clone force.

"War breaks everyone. It's just knowing how to pick the pieces up that determines if you are. Now, I'd like teach you something. Something that took me a long time to figure out. I'll teach you to break the chains you don't see." Belloma said, grinning as she "walked" away, with Barris in her Embrace.

As sinister plots began to bloom as a cactus flower within the ranks of what former peacekeepers now turned military officers, off in the center of the Galactic republic, senator Chu Chi was finally finishing up her new reforms.

Ruby Gardner, the hologram, would materialize in her chambers.

"Senator, this-.....that's a lot of paper work you are creating, how many pages is this, it's almost absurd how thick it is." Ruby said, looking at the file size of data being transferred from her console to the "Upcoming senate bill" roster.

"If I had to guess, It's enough to require a Venator to actually transfer the physical it. What is it you need?" Chu Chi asked.

Ruby just stared at this blue skin, snow haired woman for a bit, even blinking a few times as she says, "riiiiiiight."

Ruby collecting herself finally gets back to what she had come to do, "Its about the...'representative'....that is with the jedi and i fear that they might be a security risk."

"What do you mean?" Chu chi asked.

Ruby made sure the door was closed as she looked at the senator and finally says, "before i became this, i was in my first life an NCR intelligence officer senator, and you can guess why the guest who is with the Jedi has me a little on edge and causing my old...skills...to be on alert again."

Ruby cleared her throat.

"First, this is all from sources that were Captured Legion forces, so I'll include the consistent elements mostly, theories will be stated as just theories." Ruby began.

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