Saturday Snuggles

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Y/n's POV

My usual loud morning alarm goes off, waking me up with a little jump at the way it appears with no warning.

Fustrated, and still sleepy, i slap my hand onto my phone, pressing the stop button, taking a minute to open my eyes properly before rolling over, my phone still in hand.

I go on it, checking all the new stuff that I've missed during my out hours when i was asleep. Catching up on the random pieces of info from the news that pop up as notifications before swiping them away and moving over to tiktok.

I lay for what feels like half an hour scrolling, checking out random videos; Some of which made me laugh, whilst others just disturbed me, before pressing the screen lock and rolling onto my back where i do one of the best morning wake up stretches of my life.

With a yawn that makes my mouth open wide enough to swallow a globe, i sit up and climb out of bed, heading to my moms room.

My hand lazily rubs my eye as i meet the slightly opened door, indicating my siblings are already in the room with my parents. The chit chat causing a dirty look to appear on my face when their eyes land on me.

"Where was- my invite" I frown, already on my way to join them all in the bed. My comment being interrupted by another yawn.

"Y/n" Rose excitedly squeals, causing a subtle smile to tug at my lips knowing someone is happy to see me.

"We knew you'd join us eventually" Mom doesn't hesitate to reply.

"Damn straight" I lightly chuckle with my groggy morning voice.

Lifting up the blanket hanging off of the edge of the bed, i climb in next to my mom where she wraps an arm around me in an inviting hold.

I snuggle up to her, wrapping my arm around her waist as my head rests on her chest.

A slight hum of apreciation slipping from my lips when she presses a kiss to my head, her thumb gently stroking my arm.

"What are we watching?" I ask, looking over at the movie playing on the TV opposite the bed.

"Easter Parade"

"Ugh again" I whine. She puts this one on every time. Too much. Although, I can't blame her, it's not a bad movie.

"Shush my child" She playfully speaks in a funny voice, moving her hand up to wrap around my mouth. However, the feeling of my tongue makes her quick to remove it, followed by a chuckle mixed with groan of disgust, only making me giggle myself.

"You've missed like half of it anyway, it's almost finished" Rose speaks up, looking me in the eyes from a very close disstance.

She is also snuggled up to mom, meaning her head is also on her chest directly opposite me.

"Thank god" I joke, gaining a light tap of disapproval on my arm from mom, making me chuckle again.

"I find it rewarding" Colin churps up, catching my attention. "You do?

"Yeah, we get your mothers amasing pancakes after as the reward for sitting through this- Hey" He whines after being also lightly slapped in return for his snarky comment, which we all know he only made to wind her up. A grin glued to my face at his success.

"You all are mean- you no what? No pancakes for you, I'll eat them all on my own up here whilst watching this on repeat." She states making us all immediatly retaliate, turning to her with complaints of her unfair plans.

"But i didn't say anything" Rose chimes in whilst dad and i attempt to defend what we did say.

"What, no you can't do that." Both, dad and I frown.

"I can, you two can make your own pancakes whilst me, Rose and Cosmo are snuggling over mine." She changes her deal to her other daughter liking, knowing she's innocent.

"No thats not fair" My mouth offendedly gaped open. "Then what will our reward be?" Dad and i both burst out laughing as momma tries to stiffle her own laugh at my terrible comment.

Dad reaches over to highfive which i meet, looking back at mom with a cheeky grin as she bites the inside of her bottom lip, trying her best to look unamused but failing as her lips tug upwards.

"You." She starts, pausing as she tries to find her words. "Are so cheeky" She finally cracks a slight chuckle at my comment.

"Gosh I know." I giggle, winding down from my laughing fit as i rest my head back on her chest to watch the rest of the movie.

"Pancake time!" Rose is first to exclaim as she sits up making me jump a little as i had basically almost dozed off again, completely oblivious to what was happening in the room.

I open my eyes to see the end credits on the TV, bringing a full conclusion to the movie.

I let out a big yawn as i attempt to wake up again whilst Rose lightly bounces on her knees in excitement, and dad starts to shuffle around on the other side of the bed, supposedly getting up.

"Pancake time!" Mom cheers back to Rose with a little less excitement, but still enough to show that she is also happy.

"I want pancakes" I mumble, still holding my poor mother down with my head on her chest.

"And you can have pancakes" She replies, stroking my arm up and down.

"Yay" I whisper, a small smile on my lips in satisfaction, knowing that i still can have pancakes.

She must have hear my 'yay' because she starts to chuckle again. "But, in order for you to have pancakes, you need to let mama get up. Move" She insists.

"But you're comfy." I pout, not wanting to move the slightest.

"You say that every time we snuggle" She lightly chuckles. "Because it's true" I frown.

"Get up" She tells me again but i dont make an attempt to listen which she sees.

"No pancakes-" With that i shoot up, off of her with an unpleased face. "Do you see this" I start, looking at Rose.

"I want to cuddle mom but she wants to punish me in return. The cheek of this woman-" I playfully comment, being cut off as im pushed off of the bed, landing flat on my stomach on the carpeted floor. "Ow" I mumble to myself.

A loud laughter above me causing a streak of embarrasment to move through me, not wanting to move again. "I told you to move" the older woman stated.

"So you push me off the bed?" I frown although she can't see it, a smile desperately fighting it's way onto my face as i imagine how that must've looked.

"Okay, you're right. I'm sorry" She apologises through a grin, indicating she does not mean it. "But come on, we gotta go downstairs"

I feel a tug at me oversized sleep shirt that I'm still wearing, pulling my upper body from the floor as i continue to stay limp.

"Come on, co-operate with me here" She whines after getting out of bed, standing above me as she attempts to pull me up.

"No" I reply, my response being muffled by the floor.

"Do I have to carry you" She says more as a joke, but I actually like the thought so to her surprise, I agree.

"Ooh, Yes please." I chuckle, rolling into my back and holding my arms out for her to take me. She stands with her hands on her hips, looking down at me with one eyebrow raised.. "What? Come on, you suggested it"

"As a joke" A grin on her face as she lowers to her knees. She seemed to not really mind the thought anyway since her hands find my arm pits, pulling me up to her as she stands up, struggling a little to gather me up from the floor and into her arms, but once im in her hold, she starts walking as if I weight nothing.

I really had to write this after reading Scarletts morning routine!
Its so adorable.
Search 'Scarlett Johansson morning routine Goop' on google to find it.

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