Roses Birthday

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Y/ns POV

I woke up to a light hand on my head, and quiet whispers of my name. "Y/n, come on baby, wake up" the voice spoke softly.

I groaned as I rolled over, pulling the blankets up higher over me. "Mom, 5 more minutes" I slurd, sliding back into my sleep. I heard her chuckled at me.

"Come on, it's roses big day, wanna wake her up?" She reminded me. "No" I mumbled into my pillow. Not even a second later I shot up.

"It's ROSES BIRTHDAY!" I cheered looking up at my mom. "That's what I just said" she giggled.

I jump out of bed, placing a kiss on the cosmos small forehead as he sleeps in mom's arm. I run out of the room and down the hall way, pasting colin and bursting into Rose's room and jumping onto her bed.

"ROSE!" I yelled as I violently shook her. She groaned in replied. "ROSE ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY" I cheered, hovering over her.

She giggled as she rubbed her eye. "Come on get up, ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!" I smile.

She put her arms out, gesturing for me to hold her. "Can you carry me?" She yawned. I got off her bed and stood up, lifting her up aswell. She wrapped her legs around my waiste and arms loosely around my neck as she snuggled her head into my shoulder.

"Happy birthday baby" mom whispered to rose as we passed by her heading to the stairs.

"Thank you mama" she replied, staring over my shoulder at mom who was following behind us.

We made it downstairs to the kitchen. I placed her on the kitchen counter as we passed it, and moved away to grab a couple bowls to make us some breakfast.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSEBUD!" Dad cheered as he skipped into the kitchen, walking to her and giving her a hug and a kiss on her head. "I can't believe you're 7 today!" He smiled.

"I know, my baby girls growing too fast" mom whispered, placing her free hand over her mouth and nose as tears slipped down her cheeks. I giggled at her emotional state.

"Sorry, the hormones" she added, wiping away her tears, walking over to sit on the stool at the bar.

"You want some, mom?" I asked lifting up the box of cheerios. "Sure, thanks" she softly smiled. "And you? Colin?" I asked turning to him who was making himself a coffee.

"No thanks kiddo" he smiled. "However, anyone like a drink?" He asked

"What's on the menu" I joked earning a chuckle from him. "Let's see shall we" he said playing along with my joke.

He skipped over to a random leaflet that's laying on the counter and lifted it up, pretending it's a menu.

"So, in this very fine restaurant also known as... your mom's house" he winked at my mom making us all giggle before continuing "we have, coffee, milkshakes, juice, smoothies, tea, soda... and the specail offer on for today, just like everyday, a hot chocolate"

Rose and mom laughed him and I giggled. "I'll have a hot chocolate please" I say. "oo! Me too please!" Rose added. "Make that three" Mom also added from behind us.

"Alright, three hot-chocolates coming right up" he chuckled, skipping over to a cupboard to get cups.

I turned back around and finished making our cereal before handing the bowls out. "One for the birthday girl" I smile as I hand it to her, still seated on the counter. "Thank you" she replied taking the bowl.

"And one for you!" I grinned placing a bowl in front of my mom. "Thank you" she grinned.

Dad then came over with our drinks, repeating what I said as he placed the drinks in front of us.

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