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*There's nothing really important about this chapter, but I felt like I needed to update. Also look at our mother in that photo 🤗*

Y/ns POV

Slobbery licks stroked across my cheeks, pulling me out of me sleep in an instant.

I open my eyes to see none other than Maggie, the dog, on my chest.

"Oh my- where did you come from? I asked with a small laugh, pushing her away so she'd stop lucking my face, only for her to start licking my hand instead.

"No- that's not what I meant-" I said placing my handing on her face, only for her to now start licking my wrist instead. "Oh nevermind" I sighed, sitting up and freeing the doggys face.

I wipe any left over sleep from my eyes with my clean hand before turning to look at the other side of the bed.

Rose wasn't there, which only leads me to think that she's woken up and joined mom and dad in the seating area.

I proceeded to get up and walk into the little bathroom. Washing my hands and face with soap to get rid of the dog Slobber. I mean, she's a puppy, you never know what she's licked. And i certainly don't want it over my face do I.

I decided to use the toilet whilst I was there before washing my hands, again, and leaving the bathroom, making my way to join the rest of the fam.

I rubbed one of my eyes as soap had accidently seeped into it, making it sore.

I walked into the area, seeing everyone munching of snack that dad had made this morning.

"Hi sweetheart" dad was the first to say earning a hello back from me.

"Hungry, baby?" Mom asked, holding up a bag of quaver crisps, to which I nodded. "Catch" she announced as she through that pack towards me.

I caught the pack, dropping my arms from my sore eye, to open it.

The sofa mom was on was also occupied by Rose and cosmo, so I decided to sit by dad instead.

I leant against him as I looked at the tv to see a Disney movie playing. Specifically moana. I love that movie.

"You have a good sleep?" Mom asked, bringing my attention away from the tv and toward her.

"Mhm" I nodded with a sleepy smile. "I can tell. You look high" mom told me, making me laugh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Thanks" I grinned, continuing to eat my crisps. "I woke up cause maggie was licking my face" I informed her.

She chuckled in reply. "Rose, did you let her out?" She then asked, turning to look at Rose.

"Nooo" Rose giggled back, which clearly meant that she did.

"Honey, she's suppose to stay in her travel cage" mom told her.

"But why?" Rose replied with a pout. "She looked lonely" she added.

"Because, she's a dog. She could mess with something she's not suppose to which could put the rest of us at risk" mom explained in a soft voice.

"I'll be back" she added, standing up and walking to the bed area.

She was gone for a couple minutes, I'm assuming to put Maggie back in her cage, before returning back to her seat.

"Well, I was about to wake you up anyway, otherwise your sleep schedule would be ruined" she explained and honestly it made sence so I just nodded in response before turning back to the tv to continue watching the movie.

The film has gone on for about an hour now, and although I said i love it, I've seen it so many times that now it gets boring easily.

Since I've been stuck in this one position for a while, I decide to strech out again for the hundredth time this day.

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