She's Here!

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Scarlett's POV

"Okay, okay! Your doing great honey" the midwife motivated me as I let my body relax for a quick second from all the pushing I've been doing. A groan leaving my lips as I start to feel another contraction approach, gripping my mother's hand tighter from where she is stood beside my hospital bed. 

She's has been with me through this entire process from when i found out i was pregnant up until labour, so i only felt it fitting that she would be in here whilst i give birth to her first grandchild, and my first baby. And i just wanted her to be here because this process is scary on your own.

"Alright, when I count to 3 your going to push as hard as you can okay, you got that"

"O-Kay" I pant between short breaths "Your doing such a great job" the midwife smiled up at me. "Ready?" She questioned me.

"No-o" I let out between a cry.

"You got this honey" my mother whispered into my ear whilst stroking my forehead.

"Okay come on, here comes your next contraction, push In, one, two and-" the machine I was hooked up too started beeping loudly, telling everyone I was having another contraction "three"

My free hand that wasn't obtained by my mother's held onto the outside of my thy, pulling it towards me as I lifted my head so my chin was pressed firmly against my chest. I started pushing as hard as I could, sweat dripping down my forehead, my body feeling so exhausted.

We have been at this for the past twenty minutes but my baby doesn't seem to wanna show.

"Okay, just like that, good girl" the midwife praised me again as I relaxed for a second, before another sharp pain came stabbing at my pelvis, making me shoot up back into position.

"Come on, you got this" my mom tried to motivate me, but in all honesty it wasn't helping. I just wanted this to be over with already, I wanted my little baby in my arms, looking at me as i cuddled her or him tightly for comfort. I don't yet know my baby's gender, I just have this strong motherly feeling that she's a girl so I've been calling the baby a she through most of my pregnancy.

"Alright missy, yes just like that, perfect" the midwife told me after another round of pushing.

A moan, showing my pain and exhaustion I'm going through left my mouth.

"Why won't she just come already" I wined as my mom dabbed me head with a wet cloth.

"She is, I know this seems like a long process but I can see the head crowning sweetheart" she informed me, making me feel a bit more ready to have my baby here.

"Perfect" she told me again as I did another round of pushing.

"Okay now, I'm gonna need you to push as hard as you can" she demanded making me let out another wine.

"Okay" I agreed. "Alright, ready, one... two and three!" She yelled, giving me the signal to push.

I compressed my legs more towards my body, as well as my head to my chest. Squeezing my eyes shut as tight as possible through all the pain as i pushed really hard. I pushed through all the tugging and ripping. I pushed through the fiery burn in my skin surrounding my area that my baby is going to come out of. I pushed through the stabbing pain shooting through my bones and stomach.

I Push. And I push. And I push. Until.

"Yay! The midwife cheered making me look at her questioningly.

"Babies head Is out, now just one big final push and this'll be over, and your baby will be in your arms" she exclaimed making a smile form on my face.

Suddenly, I didn't care about the pain, I knew that my precious baby was half way out, and I was now ready to deliver it into this world. Not that I even had a choice, I mean she's literally already of hanging out of me.

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