This is it

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Pretend Yelena is you and Scarlett is... well she's Scarlett- In the picture

Scarlett's POV

My hand is killing me. I have just finished my last signature of the day, now I can rest.

I check the time to see that it's 8.45pm. Was we really here for that long. I look over at y/n to see her wearing the black widow hoodie I signed, with her head leaning on her shoulder and eyes closed. Bless she's asleep, I don't blame her I would have fell asleep too if I had to sit in a chair all day not doing anything.

I crouched down beside her putting my left hand on her knee to steady myself, and my right hand cupped her cheek. I moved my thumbs slightly, stroking her to wake her up.

"Y/n, honey I've finished now, want to come with me to talk?" I said soothingly.

She let out a groan as she opened her eyes looking at me tiredly. They then widened like she's been surprised.

"I didn't dream that? I thought that all happened in my head" she whispered in a croaky voice.

I grinned at this.
I stood up, putting my hand out for her to take, which she gracefully accepted. She then so stood up and we walked to a private room backstage.

We got backstage and sat down on the couch. It was squishy, like a marshmallow, I sunk into in making me gasp in surprise. I was not expecting that.
Y/n laughed at me, causing me to smile. She is adorable regardless of whether she's my daughter or not.

"Okay sooo..." I dragged out not knowing where to start.

"Soooo..." she replied

I looked down trying to think or what to say when I looked at her hand. Ahh there's a place.

I gently grabbed her hand and picked it up "Honey, where did you get this?"

"What? Oohh that, it's a birthmark" she smiled politely "I had it since I was born, I never really understood why but it also bring me comfort when I'm anxious, I just get the urge to trace around it and it calms me down" she explained "Why? Is it bad?" Looking at me innocently.

"Noo, no. Its just... its th- I ha- it's difficult to explain, here lemme just" I held up my hand with the same birthmark and pulled her hand close to it, so both of our hands with the birthmark were touching.

She looked confused "how is this possible, we have the same mark..." she leaned it "Are we a part of a cult-" she whispered

"WhAT... NO... No noo" I reply in between laughs "it's just, I'm going to tell you something that you have to promise you won't tell anyone okay"

"Okay" she stated with a serious tone.

"Pinkie promise?" I held out my pinkie.

"Pinkie promise" she giggled back and linked her Pinkie with mine.

Okay here goes. I sighed. "When I was young. I had. a. Baby" I rushed out the last word.

"I know, her names Rose, right"

"No- well yes, but not her Hun, I mean way before her... today... 16 years ago, I had a private pregnancy and gave birth to the most precious little girl"

She looked at me wide eyed again "today?.... 16 YEARS AGO... TODAY" she questioned

"Yes, why you seem so nervous Hun"

"It doesn't matter, where is she?" She asked

"That's the thing" I looked down, trying to hold back tears "she was taken from me. An hour after her birth I had her in my arms, holding her dearly, then I put her down so I could rest my eyes. The next think I know..." I started to choke on my tears "I.. I haven't seen her since that day. I pray to God every day that she's still out there, healthy and happy and that I'll find her again"

"I'm so sorry" she whispered moving closed, wrapping her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest.
When she pulled back I saw she had tears in her eyes.

"Aww sweetheart don't cry" I told her cupping her face and wiping the fallen drops.

"I'm sorry, I just can't imagine how hard that must have been for you" A soft expression formed on her face.
"But can I ask you something"

"You just did, but sure" I said letting out a slight laugh because of my terrible joke I made trying to lighten up the mood. She smiled too

"Why are you telling me this?" I looked into her eyes. "I-i-i mean I don't mind, it's just it's personal info- that means information by the way, but your telling me, ME, a strange-" she quickly said like she was trying not to offend me before I cut her off

"Calm down' I said "look, I brought you here because" here we go, I let out a big breath I didn't realise I was holding.

"I think it's you"

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