New Years Eve

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"Do I look okay?" I question my mom, doing a spin in a circle to show her my outfit from all angles.

"Yes, you look perfect" she replies with her usual loving smile.

"Okay, good" I smile, turning away on my heals to leave the room when I feel a light smack on my head.

I turn back around in attempt to find the source of the smack but seeing nothing.

"Sorry honey, can you pass that back?" Mom asks with a small chuckle, pointing to my feet from the bed where Rose is seated in front of her, getting her hair done.

I look down seeing the source of the hit. A hair band.

I lean down and pick it up, letting out a light laugh as I toss it to my mom.

"Thank you" she thanks me, collecting the band and finishing off the braid in Roses hair.

I watch as Rose stands up, doing a full spin of her outfit, admiring herself in the mirror. She's wearing a blue short-sleeved dress that goes down to her knees, a denim jacket and white tights.

She looks adorable as usual.

"Want me to do your hair?" mom speaks with a hopeful glint in her eye as she holds up another bobble. She must want too.

"Okay" I agree, knowing how much she loves and enjoys doing our hair for us.

I take a seat on the bed in front of her between her legs where Rose just was. Her fingers immediately start to glide through my hair, making me melt a little into the relaxing feeling.

"Try to stay awake" she lightly chuckles as she notices what she's doing to me. Her fingertips are soon replaced with a hair brush, detangling the knots that have been created from where the strands of hair decided to intertwine with one another.

I wince a little at the pain of the knot being pulled from my hair. "Sorry" mom apologised quickly.

"Mhm" I hum, knowing if I open my mouth to say anything, unwanted sounds will spill out.

She manages to get through the knots quite quickly which was a big relief.

The brush was then swapped with her fingers again as she grabbed different parts of my hair, sectioning them before intertwining them to form a braid like Roses.

"All done" she informs me, giving me a tap on the shoulder. I stand up and join my sister by the mirror, looking over the both of us.

I turn from side to side, checking out all angles, when my mom comes over. She lays one hand on my shoulder, and her other on Rose's shoulder as she looks at us in the mirror.

"Thank you" I finally thank her for the pretty braid in my hair.

"No problemo" she responds with a peck on my cheek. "It's part of the motherhood package"

I pull my lips into a straight line as I rest the side of my head against her cheek, admiring the family in the mirror.

"We look pretty"
"We do" she agrees with a light chuckle at my confidence.

A soft kiss is placed on both mine and Rose's heads by our mother before she backs away to continue getting ready.

I and Rose follow after her into her giant closet, where she picks out two pairs of shoes. One pair being heals, and the other being slippers. I'm assuming for when her feet start to hurt.

"Come on then girls" she politely instructs from the doorway, waiting for me and Rose to leave the closet so she can shut the door, and we can go.

We all sit in the car as mom drives us to our grandmas for the family gathering she is hosting to celebrate the new year. Rose in her car seat to my right, occupied by her iPad, Cosmo sleeping soundly in his seat on the other side of me, and mom and dad in the front.

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