Ellen show

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Scarletts POV

I'm currently backstage, waiting for my que, telling me to join Ellen on stage.

Currently, I'm just repeating lines in my head of what im going to tell her. I mean we all know Ellen, she tries to make any celeb speak about gossip in their lives even if they're not comfortable.

I know for a fact she's going to bring up y/n, and I'm not sure how I'm going to dodge it, so now I'm just getting ready to spill the truth to everyone. With no crying in the process.

"And that's your queue" a guy, backstage with me said, pulling me out my thoughts.

"Okay thank you!" I smiled at him politely, making my way through the hall and out onto the stage.

As soon as I was in view of the audience, there was a big uproar of cheers and clapping. I love when they do that, I always get some sort of adrenaline rush.

I walked around the couch and greeted Ellen with a hello and a hug, bfire sitting down.

We both sat down on the couches, waiting for the audience to calm down. I smiled and waved at them, scoping out the crowd.

"Ah, okay, so" Ellen started. "How you been?" She continued.

"Oh, I've been fine thank you!" I replied happily with a grin. "What about you?"

"Yes I've been great" she smiled. "So, obviously, i see that you're pregnant now" she stated, gesturing to my stomach.

"Ahh, yes, about 7 months" I replied, now stroking a hand over my bump.

"Aww that's sweet. We that's gotta be a big difference for your other little one right?" She replied.

"Who? Rose?" I asked and she nodded 'yes'.

"Yes, well, she's excited about it, really excited; she can't wait to be a big sister" I chuckled. "She actually lost both if her front teeth, so she always comes up to me for reasurance" I continued "she's always like 'Mama do I so okay, do I sound wierd?" And I'm like 'uhuh..'" I nodded my head and I heard Ellen laugh along with the crowd.

"It seems you also have a mini me that seems to be with you everywhere you go who came out of nowhere. Can you tell us who she is?" She was obviously talking about y/n. She doesn't know about her properly yet but I think now it's time to tell everyone.

"Oh yes, she's um- she's my daughter" I told her, and she sat up straight at the unexpected news.

"Your daughter?" She questioned. "We've only ever known about Rose, where did your other one come from?" She raised her eyebrows. Okay, now she's getting really nosey. "Was she adopted, and it was just a coincidence she looks like you?"

"No, she's my own blood." I stated "I had her when I was young, but it's was a private pregnancy. I wanted to keep her from the public" I continued, now feeling sadness overwhelm me, but keeping on a fake smile.

"Oh, well you did a pretty good job at hiding her, hey!" She joked.

"Well, it wasn't my choice" I replied, now letting the sadness show. "She was taken from me an hour after her birth" I mumbled.

"Oh my god I am so sorry" Ellen replied. A sad expression now displaying on her face. She reached over and grabbed my hand, rubbing the back with her thumb for reassurance.

"No- i- we have her back now, no one can take her from me" I confidently stated.

"Well, that'd good! I hope you have a great life together" she smiled. "Um we have actually managed to find an image of y/n and you, how similar you look" she looked over at a small screen. "So uh, if you just look over there you can see it-" she pointed to a screen sitting in front of us, down by the audience.

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