Oh Brother

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A little fluff. Also Cosmo would be 2 months old now, so not as big as the baby in the picture, a little smaller. Anyway have a good day and night!

Y/ns pov

I hear a little cry through my walls, waking me up. I am still cuddled up to my mom, as she is to me, and I can tell she's exhausted. Usually, little cries like this wake her up instantly, but not tonight. And I don't her to wake up just yet either, she deserves a good night sleep.

The cries begin to louden as I carefully climb out of my mother's arms, aswell as the sheets, into the cold nights air.

I open my bedroom door, and shut it gently behind as I exit into the corridor. I shiver from the cold air as it hits my bare arms and legs as I follow my brothers whines.

I end up in mom and dad's room, seeing Cosmo laying in the bassinet they keep in their room, whilst dad's sleeping, half sitting up against the headboard with a bottle and bib on his chest. I chuckled at the site of him before tending to my brother.

I pick him up and hold him in one arm as I pick up the bottle off of dad's chest and leave the room. I find my way into cosmos nursery, switching on a dim lit lamp and sitting in the soft rocking chair beside his crib.

I shuffle us around a little bit, getting us comfortable before putting the nipple of the bottle into his mouth, which he latched onto right away, quickly silencing his cries.

My foot lightly pushes against the floor, rocking us back and forth, and Cosmo drinks.

"You're so cute." I whisper as I look down at him, watching as his eyes slowly get drowsier. I lean my head down a little and place a soft kiss on his button nose.

His nursery is so warm compared to the rest of the house, I could almost fall asleep right here. It's so comfortable.

I watch as he finishes his bottle, pushing it away. I lean over and place the bottle on the floor before sitting Cosmo on my thy, one hand holding his cheeks as he leans forward into it, and the other one gently rubbing his back.

We sit here for a couple minutes as I taps his back trying to bring up any bit of wind he has until finaly, he let's out two burps. I quietly praise him as I lay him back down in my arm.

Just then, a horrible smell hit my nose making me gag. There no doubt he needs his nappy changed, or diaper, as mom and dad says. But why did he have to fill it up when I'm holding him. "Oh brother" I whine I little.

I stand up, being careful not to startle the settled baby in my arms as we make our way over to the changing table, where I lay him down.

I change his nappy, with a few moments when I was gagging to death and leaning away from him, but I completed the task successfully.

A few cooes escape cosmos lips as he lays there on the table, happy. "Aww" I say in awe as I adore his cuteness being being startled by a soothing voice behind me. One that could only belong to my- our mother.

"Hi honey" she whispers to me, as I turn around to see her in the doorway with her arms folded across her chest.

"Hello" I whisper back to her as I turn back around and pick up the baby off of the table.

"You know you don't have to sort him out right" she reminded me as I slowly walked over to cosmos cot (crib), rocking him a little to get him to sleep.

"I know" I softly smiled at her before looking down at a tired baby. "I want to though" I added on.

Cosmos eyes shut and I stood with him for a moment more untill I was certain he was asleep, before laying him down in his cot (crib).

I turn back around to mom and walk over to her. I slight shiver makes it's way down my spine from the cold air, leaking into the room from the corridor.

"Im so cold" I quietly whined as I felt my hairs stand on end, and goose bumps apear all over my body.

"I'm not surprised. You're only wearing a shirt and underwear" she grinned at me as I looked down, slightly lifting up my shirt a little to check if she was right. She was.

"How'd you know that?" I asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. My brain clearly being still half asleep.

"Well, I'm looking right at you, and i got you changed" she informed me, making my eyes widen a little and cheeks flush red in embrassment. She changed my clothes, doesn't that mean she saw me in only my underwear?

She seemed to sense my unease at that. "Don't worry, I've changed you before." she softly spoke, reminding me of when I was first born.

"Can we go back to bed" I ask, changing topics.

"Sure honey" she whispered as she walked further into the room, turning off the night light and leaving, with an arm wrapped around my shoulder. Shutting the door first before guiding me back to my room.

I climb back under my covers, laying down as my Mom shuts my bedroom door before joining me again.

She lay down back in her spot, pulling me into her very warm embrace, making me let out a sigh if comfort.

"How are you soooo warm" I ask as I snugle further into her chest, getting as close to to her as i possibly can, no space between us. Shes like a living radiator, and im a living freezer.

"I dont know" she lightly chucked as she lay her cheek against my head. "Probably because you're so cold"

"Hmm, probably." I agree as i shut my eyes. "I blame cosmo" I joke and listen as she let's out another light giggle.

"As I said, you don't have to tend to him. He's mine and your dad's responsibility" she repeated herself, then placed a soft kiss on the top of my head, before laying her cheek their again.

"I know" I slowly mumbled out, on the verge of sleep. "You guys just seem so tired, so I wanted to help out" I continued between sighs, finishing with a big yawn.

I felt her hand make its way up to my head, holding me close. "I love you" she spoke soothingly before placing another final soft kiss on my head.

"I love you too" I just about got out to her before falling into another peaceful sleep in my mother's embrace.

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