7-🔞Missing You🔞

Start from the beginning

I laughed to myself I wonder if he already knows that I know oh but Taehyung your hurt filled days have just started.

I'll make sure I crush you, for crushing my dreams and my heart thinking you were all too perfect but in reality you were all full of sloppy flaws which I will not fall for again.

Author POV

Jimin and Jungkook have messed up problems in their house but the one they have in common is that neither want to be with their partners. They only thinking and missing each other, they crave their arms wrapped around each others body heat.

Their lips and mouths smashed together sucking each other's tongue and Jungkook wanting to be inside the warm tight hole he's gotten addicted to.

In Jimin's mind this started as a vengeance but it's turning into something that he'll completely forget the purpose of it all and will just want one thing Mr Jeon's kisses and affection on his skin.

It's today that they start not coming home to their partners.

Jungkook woke up 5 minutes before the alarm went off almost running to the bathroom happily to go take a shower. His wife Lisa saw all the actions and her doubts rising by the minute to why is her husband so happy to go to work.

She got up from the bed leaning over to put her ear on the bathroom door to hear Jungkook humming happily.

She knows it's not because of her it's because of someone he might be seeing in the job, she decides to stay shut and crawl back to bed wait till he leaves to get up.

Jungkook got out of the bathroom whistling and putting his suit on thinking he's going to stop and buy some flowers for Jimin maybe some chocolates too.

"Jungkook?" His wife's voice invaded his thoughts it made him mad but he put the straightest face he could.

"Yes?" Jungkook answered coldly with a stony glare that she felt in the pit of her stomach.

"Do you love me?" She asked looking at how tense he got to the question.

"What kind of question is that? I'm married to you so it must mean I love you I have to go I'm late already have a nice day" Jungkook announced blowing a kiss leaving, not even wanting contact with her as his kisses are reserved for Jimin.

Jungkook's wife Lisa stayed in the bed shocked she's suspicious that her husband just might be seeing someone and she's not sure she wants to know because there would not be anyone else to blame but herself.

When she looked to the right it's when it hurt her the most that she realized she is losing Jungkook, he saw he forgot his wedding ring right by his night table.

He dont even give a fuck its missing on his finger all he cares about is seeing Jimin and being with him all day. He got into his limo and told the chauffeur to stop in a little gift shop to buy Jimin some cute little things like he was his boyfriend or something.

As Jungkook was buying things for Jimin he was getting ready thinking he's going to give Mr Jeon a treat today.

<Showing him, his fine ass in some black lace lingerie which were very well hidden under his tight black suit. Taehyung showed his face around the corner not even knowing how to approach Jimin because it's obvious that he knows.

"Baby you look beautiful and elegant today" Taehyung said back hugging him but Jimin got stiff and tense to the touch. He noticed it immediately and let Jimin go knowing he's going to have to conjure a forgiveness plan for Jimin and cut the bullshit out in his job.

𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓐𝓯𝓯𝓪𝓲𝓻 21+(𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴) ℂ𝕆𝕄ℙ𝕃𝔼𝕋𝔼𝔻Where stories live. Discover now