𝔇𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡

Start from the beginning

Denise burst into laughter midway through Jack's story, realizing his ability to turn any situation into something humorous.

Sensing Denise's laughter, Jack's nerves got the best of him, causing him to fall silent.

When left alone with Denise, his nerves scrambled his thoughts, leading him to changes every conversation out of uneasiness.

Seeing her laugh was something Jack cherished, yearning to witness it more frequently.

Little did he know, soon enough, he would be blessed to hear her laughter for the rest of his life.


As Kai guided Sora into his room, she promptly withdrew her arm and shot him an angry glare, provoking a groan of frustration from Kai.

"How could you keep our relationship a secret? Especially in front of HER!" Sora's tone simmered with fury.

Kai swiftly covered her mouth, gesturing for her to lower her voice before responding.

"Look, Sora. I understand your desire to tell Mina about us, but not in front of everyone! I can't believe you rearranged the apartment! Where's our wedding certificate? Wasn't it on the wall where the flag is hanging?" Kai's sighed.

Sora's smirk hinted at her mischief, and Kai sighed, realizing the gravity of lecturing Sora on being respectful to Mina.

"I thought you promised to divorce her. Why are you still married?" Sora's voice quivered at the word "married," laced with anger.

"I couldn't. I just fucking shot her, only a few days ago Sora! How can I leave her, after I almost murdered her?! I just can't divorce her right now. She needs help." Kai's voice softened, weighed down by the recent violent episode.

Tearing off her necklace, Sora hurled it to the ground, stomping on it, causing Kai to gasp in shock.

That locket was the first gift Kai had ever given Sora during their teenage years.

It held immense sentimental value, filled with notes from Kai and a picture of him, Sora, and... Kenji.

"I don't care! I waited all this time for you, and I'm the one getting hurt? You married her just to make me jealous after leaving Japan! I didn't want to break up with you, Kai! I promise I didn't want to be with him. Oto San forced me!" Sora's tearfully replied.

Sora's tearful confession left Kai tense, knowing exactly who "him" referred to.

As Sora wiped her tears, Kai pulled her close, embracing her tightly before speaking.

"I understand, Sora. I do. But you have to I can't just leave her right now! You know I love you more than Mina, so why are you upset? I promised we'd be together, and we are! Let's keep us a secret from Mina for now, but I swear, once she's better, I'll divorce her. I want only you. Never her. Just play along for now, okay?"

Despite detesting the secrecy, Sora conceded to Kai's reasoning.

Disliking Mina didn't justify causing heartbreak, especially after nearly losing her life due to her own husband.

"Okay daarin. I'll try to be nice, but no promises! Besides, I think it's funner in secret!" Sora smirked.

Kai chuckled at Sora's playful demeanor, tenderly planting a kiss on her forehead before asking,

"Ready to face them?"

Sora took a deep breath and nodded slowly.



Following the loud crash that echoed through the house, Gabriella swiftly rose, recognizing the source of the disturbance.

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