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Though most people rested peacefully in the night, Sora was freaking out since the guilt of hurting Mina ate her up.

Sora didn't know why she had already formed such a strong bond with Mina but hated the fact that one day, Mina would forget about her.

For the past four days, Sora and Mina became inseparable ever since they began sharing the room together.

Mina was the sister Sora never had.

Which would make the truth hurt even more.

Before the sun rose, Sora ran into the living to wake up Kai.

"Kai! Get up! I want to talk!" Sora whispered.

Kai hopped up, confused as to why he was on the floor since he spent all his nights in the room with Sora.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Kai said sleepily.

Sora sighed, before laying her head on Kai's lap and speaking.

"I feel so guilty Kai! All these nights I've been having trouble sleeping! I hate that Mina and I are friends now! It makes the guilt even worse!"

Kai sighed as he heard Sora speak, and gently stroked her hair.

In all honesty, Kai loved the fact that Sora and Mina were friends, because Sora never had any friends and Kai loved the way it made her so happy.

"I know, but what can we do? We love each other, and we're finally together again! That's all that matters Sora! Mina will find her person, if not now, then later. She was good while it lasted, but Mina has never been my main focus. You are Sora. You've always been." Kai said gently.

A tear rolled down Sora's face as Kai spoke.

While there was guilt in her heart, there was also love.

So much love for Kai.

Kai and Kenji were the only people Sora could truly count on, and were her whole world.

Not even her father compared.

Though Mina was an amazing person, Sora would choose the option to hurt her, rather than to lose Kai.

Sure it was selfish, but Sora deserved to finally be with the one she loved most, after all the pain she endured.

"If it came down to the two of us, who would you choose? If you choose me, then everyone will hate you for cheating on Mina. If you choose Mina, then you'll lose me. I know you've spent years becoming Kai Aikura, so I don't want to ruin your perfect reputation if you choose to be with me! Just be honest with me Kai. Me or Mina?" Sora said tearfully.

"You. A thousand percent you. I don't even know why you're asking me this question! We called each other every single night for seven years straight. I know the things you love, to the things you hate. I know what makes you happy, to what makes you sad. I don't even know Mina's favorite color! It's always going to be you Sora. You know that." Kai happily replied.

Sora's tears began flowing after Kai's words, and she jumped into his lap, hugging him tight.

It was Kai and Sora against the world.

Because that's the way it had always been.

"I know you told me Mina was just a distraction, but don't you feel even a little bit guilty?" Sora said quietly.

Kai sighed softly, and held Sora tighter before speaking once more.

"Of course I feel guilty. But for some reason, it's not that bad. I don't feel guilt for cheating on her, and I don't know why! But I do feel guilt for shooting her. I'm not really sure what's wrong with me. I care for her, but I'm not afraid of losing her. I don't want to hurt her, but at the same time I wouldn't care if I did. Mina is just so unwanted. I would never tell her that, but I feel that way."

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