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So if you just got here, this chapter is for introductions and context! I do suggest you read the first book because... otherwise you will be very VERY confused.🐧 If you're NOT new, read this chapter anyways, because I reveal some stuff you might not know about the characters.

Topics in this chapter: Names, GC names, Relationships, Sexual Orientations, Context and Fun Facts, and a list about some serious topics.

So here we go!



Giorno: "TheGoldenSucc"

Mista: "Doraemon"

Narancia: "⁉️" or "URGH" when the Wattpad on my phone decides to lag

Bruno: "MommyShark"

Fugo: "Pudding"

Abbacchio: "EmoGworl"

Trish: "Girlboss"

Risotto: "HatGoesHahaFunny"

Prosciutto: "Ham"

Pesci: "Pineapple"

Sorbet: "NoMilkIce"

Gelato: "IGotTheMilk"

Formaggio: "Cheese"

Illuso: "GenderfluidMirror"

Melone: "Mamalone"

Ghiaccio: "Elsa"

Tiziano: "Titz"

Squalo: "Squash💅"

Carne: "Carne🥺"

Cioccolata: "GimmeUrToes"

Secco: "Woof"

Sheila E: "KillMe"



Groupchat names:

Bucciarati's Team: "We Need A Free Day"

La Squadra: "Underpaid Team😨"

Unità Speciale: "Foundation Against Carne"

General Chat: "Pussione"

Giorno's Family (trust me): "I Wish I Was Never Born™"



Giorno x Fugo

Abbacchio x Bruno (engaged)

Trish x Sheila E

Sorbet x Gelato (married)

Melone x Ghiaccio

Formaggio x Illuso

Tiziano x Squalo

Cioccolata x Secco (it's really weird, do not recommend🪅)


Sexual Orientations:

Giorno: bi

Mista: bi

Narancia: HE'S CONFUSED OKAY?? Both in gender and sexuality

Bruno: unlabeled

Fugo: pan

Abbacchio: gay

Trish: lesbian

Risotto: omni and aromantic

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