Chapter 329: A Great Spectacle!

Start from the beginning

"Fufufu! Is that so? I'm sure I saw you panicking just a little while ago though? You were so close to crying, you know?" [Yuna]

"W-W-Wahh! F-Forget that already! H-How did you even see that?!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! Have you forgotten already? I'm an S-ranker. There's only a couple of things that could escape my eyes." [Yuna]

The young ladies were laughing and giggling, one with a face beet red like a ripe tomato, flustered and fidgety as can be, and the other with a rosy tint on her cheeks, clearly having fun teasing her dear friend.

As for the third figure, he only looked at them with warm eyes. He looked quite calm and composed now, but he was the one who panicked the most back then, almost rushing towards Yuna's side when Elian pummeled her with his blades.

He had already sworn to himself that he wouldn't act as impulsively and overprotective as before, but he still couldn't help it. Oh, the sweet contradictions of love... He once again realized how much of a fool he was... Just a fool in love...

"Grey, what do you think? How did I do?" [Yuna]

"You did well... I'll make sure to make you something as a reward tomorrow. Just tell me if there's anything you want to eat." [Grey]

"Oh? We didn't agree on this though? Is that really okay?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Why are you asking for a reason...? Is there something wrong with wanting to reward my hardworking fiancée?" [Grey]

Grey's sweet and sappy words shot like a heart-tipped arrow towards Yuna's heart, hitting it where it hurts, and making it race uncontrollably. Her heart skipped a beat, Grey sparkling with stars and roses in her rose-tinted vision.

The young lady's light rosy blush turned into a fierce red color, now blushing fervently and profusely, face feeling hot all the way to her pointy ears. The atmosphere quickly turned pink, love drifting in the air as two eyes gazed deeply at one another.

Amidst the rosy room was a young lady, her mouth wide open as cold chills ran down her spine. She may be friends with the two, but sometimes their sweetness was too much. She just wanted to curse them, a terrifying smile blooming on her face.

"Ahem! Are you two done now?" [Lisandra]

It was only when Lisandra cut them off that the two returned to reality. Yuna hid her face and Grey cleared his throat, the two trying to hide their embarrassment. A sight which would only make any lovesick singles irritated.

"A-Anyway! Grey, it's your turn next, right? Are you sure it's fine to be that lax? You're going up against the Champion, you know?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Are you worried about me now? You should know how my skills are." [Grey]

"That's true... I guess that's true..." [Yuna]

Just like Yuna, Grey's swordsmanship proficiency rose from 71% to 72%. It may only look insignificant, but that single percentage increase was something swordsmen would need months of training to achieve. He has grown quite a bit.

Well, compared to the Champion's 76%, it was still not quite there yet. He could only rely on his elemental magic, abilities, and battle sense to make up for the rest. All in all, it would be a fairly equal battle, both having the same chances of winning.

"With that said... Grey, I've kept my promise... It's time to do your part..." [Yuna]

The young lady looked at Grey with eyes full of expectations and the young man in question replied with a bright smile. With her working so hard, it's only right that he replies in kind, flames of determination surging ablaze in his heart.

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