Chapter 315: Fame and Challengers

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"Oh! Your Highness, how has your day been?"

"Your Highness, would you like some cream buns? They're freshly baked!"

"Your Highnesses, I'm looking forward to your matches today!"

The day had just begun, but the day was already busy and the streets were already lively. The people waved their hands and smiles surfaced on their faces, the sound of the horses' footsteps echoing in the air as they passed by the streets.

Grey, Yuna, and Lisandra are on their way to the colosseum, and the people greeted them left and right as they passed. Many of them were faces they have seen back on the colosseums whilst they fought. Their popularity was rising by the moment.

The Princess was already as popular as she was, but with Grey and Yuna by her side, the streets clamored even louder. Some were even offering them treats and snacks for free, eyes shining with expectancy and enthusiasm.

"Wow~! You two sure are popular~!" [Lisandra]

"Stop it, Lisa. You of all people is the last person I want to hear that from. This should die down soon enough... A week or two perhaps." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I wonder about that... The people here are quite the lively and rowdy ones. Should we make a bet, Grey? How about it?" [Lisandra]

Asked Lisandra, a bright smile showing on her face, one full of pride and confidence. She was trying to tease Grey, and it was unfortunate... For her, that is. Grey was not one who would back down when bets and teasing are involved.

"Sure, and if I lose, I'll make you sweets for a whole week in addition to the frozen hot chocolate I'm making for you every time you finish your training." [Grey]

"Really?! No take backs, okay?! You must keep your word!" [Lisandra]

"I will... In exchange, we will increase the intensity of your training if you lose. I will take over from Yuna, and be your sparring partner." [Grey]

Fear struck Lisandra's heart like a lightning bolt falling from the skies, Yuna's words about how much harsher Grey was when it came to training echoing inside her mind whilst a cold shiver ran down her spine, making her jolt and shudder.

The sweets were tempting and she was fine with hard work, but if she increased her training load right now, she would surely break. If anything, Yuna was the amazing one to have survived training with Grey for years. She was another breed.

"O... On second note, let's not start betting now... It's unbefitting of Royally to partake in such crude and vulgar activities." [Lisandra]

"Oh? Is that so... But I'm sure just once is alright, isn't it? It's just a little bet between friends. There should be nothing wrong with that." [Grey]

"Th-That's true, but... Mother will scold me if she finds out... Let's just forget about this, okay? Maybe next time? Or the time after that...?" [Lisandra]

The Princess was making excuses as she went, trying to avoid the topic as much as possible. She was confident that she'll win, but on the off chance that Grey does, she would be in a much more difficult predicament. It would be over for her.

Meanwhile, whilst the two were talking about their bet, Yuna was giggling to herself by their side. She had always competed with Grey when it came to teasing, and it was only rarely that she won. Seeing Lisandra lose was quite refreshing.

"Fufufu! You'll get used to it, Lisa. Cheer up!" [Yuna]

"O-Okay...? Thanks... I guess...?" [Lisandra]

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