Chapter 327: The Final Four!

Start from the beginning

"Hohoho! What a swift and fast-paced duel! His Grade, Gladiator Elian has grabbed victory against Gladiator Agatha! He takes the third spot of the semifinals!" [Terry]

The announcements rang loud, and the crowd clamored with excitement as the victor punched his fist towards the amber sky. All her smiling brightly, only a single figure down in the dumps as she sat on the ground, eyes filled with a bit of disappointment.

"Now, now, don't be too sad, My Lady. That was a good match and I really enjoyed myself. There's no need to be so sad." [Elian]

"Easy for you to say... You weren't even serious, were you?" [Agatha]

"Hahaha. I wonder... Well, first... Let me help you up a bit. I'm sure your sides still hurt from your wound." [Elian]

"Ah, thankー Fuweeh?!" [Agatha]

The lady couldn't even finish her words when Elian did the unthinkable. She thought he would just lend her a hand, but the man suddenly crouched and scooped her up from the ground, his hands on her back and legs. He carried her, bridal style!

"Wh-What are you doing?! L-Let me down, you beast!" [Agatha]

"I was the one who gave you that wound, so I should at least do this much. And as far as I know, you don't have a lover so there shouldn't be any problem, right?" [Elian]

"There are a lot of problems here! P-Put me down already, you fiend!" [Agatha]

Agatha protested as much as she could, but there was only so much she could do when she was exhausted as can be. Elian continued carrying the lady and brought her to the medical staff to be healed, golden light shining soon after.

It wasn't the first time he had done so. Though he usually just lends his shoulder, he also carries people when the situation calls for it, carrying them in her arms when they're a lady, and on his shoulders they're a man.

Regardless of which, it was always an interesting sight to behold, the crowd enjoying the little extra laugh to break away from the tension. Two figures in particular were glued to the scene, peeking a little ways from the waiting area.

"Ohh~! So that's my next opponent, huh... He's quite the player, isn't he? Quite... Umm... Interesting to say the least! Un! Interesting!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. That may be so, but you should still be careful. He hasn't shown his full power yet. I'm sure it will be totally different tomorrow." [Grey]

"Fufufu! That makes me look forward to it even more!" [Yuna]

There was only excitement and anticipation in her eyes as she glanced over Elian once again. Though, the match she was most excited about was the one between Grey and herself, a soft chuckle escaping her soft and plump, red lips.

The clouds continued to drift and the repairs were finally finished. With the setting of the sun, the arena lights lit up and graced the Grand Colosseum with sight. It was finally time for the final match of the day, the audience excited as can be.

"Folks! Grab your snacks and refreshments, and seat yourselves properly! Keep your eyes peeled and your hearts ready! Let the drums play out!" [Terry]

"This is the match we have been waiting for! An exciting match to conclude the second day of the Carnival of swords! Are! You! Readyyyy~?!" [Konan]

There was no need for a second try. As Terry and Konan's voice echoed throughout the evening sky, a pandemonium of boisterous cheers and joyous applause danced in the Grand Colosseum, two figures making their entrance.

On one side was the Reigning Champion of the Carnival Swords, proving his worth three consecutive times. The other was a Lt. General who wasn't any less famous, his name known all over the Kingdom. Swordsmen who stood at the top.

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