[40] Per Ardua Ad Astra

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Midoriya could barely run properly.

Your warm hand clasped his smaller one, an oyster and its pearl.

For a moment, he forgot your hand wasn't soft like his own.

You were unable to feel it when Midoriya shyly wrapped his fingers around yours.

"What's this?" asked Iida.

You entered a ginormous room filled to the brim with plants. The only free space available were the walkways, which intersected in a crossroads. At the opposite end of the room was an elevator.

Melissa replied, "It's a plant factory. The influence of Quirks on plants is researched here."

You were distracted by the sheer amount of green. Pine, nepeta, olive--

you turned to look at Midoriya.


The boy furiously avoided eye contact with you, his face steaming.

You opened your mouth only to bump into Todoroki's back. He was staring straight ahead.

Jiro had abruptly stopped the group. "Wait! Look at that!" Her arm, which she used to halt the others, moved to point at the elevator. "The elevator's coming up."

Sure enough, the numbers on the screen that displayed floor number were rapidly increasing.

Midoriya snapped out of his stupor. "Let's hide and let them pass us!"

Everyone nodded.

After Midoriya nodded back, he led the way towards a clump of bushes to the left of the walkway. Neither you nor Midoriya let go of each other.

While Midoriya was hurt by how you turned on him earlier, he wasn't going to let that make him forget his promise to protect you.

You were now crouching behind the bushes.

Kaminari gulped. "I wonder if we can use that elevator to get to the top floor?"

"No." Melissa's eyes were locked on the elevator doors. "Only authorized people can operate the elevators. And it's sturdy as a bomb shelter, so we can't destroy it."

She glanced over to see how you were doing, and to her relief, you were right next to Midoriya.

Crystal blue eyes darted back ahead when the elevator dinged.

The doors slid open to reveal two men dressed in black. One looked like a Diglett and the other seemed to be a rare species of hairy lizard.

"Those clothes..." Midoriya's brows knit themselves together. "They're the villains that were at the party."

You ducked your head to turn on your enhanced hearing.

The two men walked out of the elevator and into the room. "They said the kids were in here," said the hairy lizard. "They came into an annoying place."

Uraraka slapped her hands over her mouth. "They're coming...!"

Iida hissed, "Quiet."

Fear emanated from your classmates, including Midoriya. His free hand was curled into a tight fist. You warmed up your hand in a juvenile act of comfort before letting go to hook a thumb under your remaining glove.

"I found you, you damn kids!"

The glove came flying off.

"Ha? What did you say, you bastard?"

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt