[3] Familiar

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  It was six-thirty when you entered a stationary shop. The layout was not too different from the I-Island stores, thus you adjusted quickly. Grabbing a basket by the checkout, you delved into a random aisle.

The boy from earlier, Midoriya, was not sighted. Perhaps he had checked in much earlier and left. That made sense, given you'd spent a little less than an hour roaming the suburbs.

Besides the cherry blossoms and architecture, nothing fascinated you much. Like a child, you quickly turned to other things. Your slight baby-face didn't help.

However, you did notice the difference in fashion choices between U.S. and Japanese civilians. Looking down at yourself, you concluded you did not look out of place at all.

If you excluded your artificial body parts, of course.

"Wow, Mommy, look! A robot!"

You completely ignored the excited cry of a grade schooler as he pointed a chubby finger at you. You continued to browse the marker aisle.

"H-honey, don't be so rude!" Bowing her head, the kid's mother apologized to you before hurrying away with her child in hand.

You didn't respond.

"You gonna pick or what?"

Your redirected your eyes from the yellow highlighter in your left hand to a blond male with hair not as nearly as vibrant.

His eyes, red as candy, seemed to narrow in curiosity at your odd ones. "Well? Hurry the fuck up!"

You gave his eyes a long stare before turning away. Setting down the yellow highlighter, you grabbed the red one for yourself and left the aisle.

You ignored him as he lowly muttered, "The fuck..? Fuckin' weirdo.."

You soon finished shopping for school supplies. Notebooks and other necessities filled your basket.

You left after paying for it. All your items were now in a reusable bag.

                                                                                       [ ]

""Mr. Might and the principal" time." You announced the occasion as you walked towards the school gates. It was the day before school would officially start.

Having been given an access card beforehand, you passed through the gates with no trouble. You walked past the arches, removed your shoes at the building entrance, and robotically made your way to the principal's office.

After a good two knocks, the door immediately swung open, revealing an emaciated All Might. "Hey, son!"

When he hugged you, you stiffly wrapped your arms around him as Melissa taught you. "I am not genetically-related to you according to my previous retinal scans."

Not offended in the slightest way, All Might bellowed with laughter despite being in his true form. "I can always count on you to say that!"

"Ah, so this is [L/n] [Name]!"

All Might released you to gently push you forward. You slowly lowered your head to make eye contact with a sentient mouse.

"Hello! I am Principal Nedzu!" The odd mammal stuck out a friendly paw.

"Hello. I am [L/n] [Name]." You mirrored his greeting as you shook his paw. Given you were a cyborg, seeing a sentient animal didn't faze you much. You were rather fascinated, however.

"Sit down right over here." Nedzu led you and All Might to the couch opposite from him.

Smiling, he poured everyone some tea and this began the chat regarding your attendance here.

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें