[72] The Thing About Harajuku (Part 3)

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[A/N]: Thank you so much for all the kind and funny comments. They always make me smile and laugh, so thank you again. Over time, I'm going to go through the book and fix all those strange blank spaces. Please wish me luck.

One by one, you and your classmates stepped out of the shop.

Some of you were still browsing inside, so the rest of you just waited.

You were standing next to Todoroki.

Between you and him, Todoroki was usually the one with a staring problem. It was a wonder that only Midoriya was aware of Todoroki's crush on you.

But right now, you were searing holes into the side of Todoroki's head.


He was trying his best not to look at you. "What is it?"

Your tone was no different than normal. You spoke in constant monotone.

Todoroki knew better.

As of this moment, you were done with his bullshit.

You meaningfully raised your right hand. In your grasp, you held a bag containing your yukata and other accessories. One of those accessories were the sandals that Todoroki had literally outrun you for.

"Todoroki cannot continue purchasing items for me."

At this, he turned. "What...? Why not?"

"Please allow me to return the favor." You knew Todoroki wouldn't let you buy anything.

So, instead, you asked him, "What does Todoroki want to do?"

"What do I... want to do?"


Todoroki went still. His eyes unfocused and he frowned a bit. He looked... confused.

You tilted your head. "Is something wrong?"

"Ah, sorry." Turning away, he said, "It's just... no one's asked me that before."


Todoroki's jaw tightened.


"I don't know."

"That is okay."

When Todoroki got the courage to meet your eyes, his own wide with shock, he felt all his worries slip away.

You understood him. Without questions or reservations, you understood him.

Todoroki wasn't ready to talk about his past.

But like you always said, that was okay.

"Let's do whatever Todoroki wants to do."

From the bottom of his stomach, butterflies flew up his throat and past his lips. The butterflies tugged at the corners of his mouth and touched the edges of his eyes.

"Sure," Todoroki began softly, "I just... need to think about what to do."

"Okay. I will wait."



You and Todoroki broke eye contact to face forward.

Kaminari came bounding up to the two of you, all smiles. "What'd you guys buy?"

You opened your bag and showed it to Kaminari.

He peered inside. "Huh? Iida's cat stuff is in here."

"It is not Iida's cat stuff. It is Shinsou's."

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