[51] Sad Frog

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"...Thank you."

Midoriya's mouth fell open.

He weakly murmured, "[L/n]...?"

Lacy eyes falling shut, you bowed your head. "My mother and father will appreciate your praise."

"No!" Kaminari shook you by the shoulders. "Don't tell them, you idiot! Your dad's gonna kill us for getting the hots for your mom! Do you want us all to die!?"

"My father will kill you?"

"Of course! What kind of husband doesn't defend his wife!?"

Kirishima furrowed his brows. "Kaminari, guys, don't be weird. Even if [L/n] doesn't mind, I don't think it's okay to say things like that about other people's parents."

Swinging an arm up and down, Iida said, "Precisely! The majority of people's parents are sacred to them! Would you tolerate this kind of behavior towards your parents!?"

The kids who'd fawned over your parents glanced at each other, conflicted.

Yaoyorozu held a fist by her lips. She averted her eyes guiltily. "I did not think about that..." Her eyes met yours. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"You did not make me uncomfortable," you replied. "Do not apologize."

It was true.

You hadn't been uncomfortable or offended. You'd only been unsure of how to respond. You hadn't anticipated the hype around your parents.

If you remembered what your relationship with them was like, maybe you would've said something.

"See?" Kaminari grinned as he pat your shoulder. "[L/n]'s not the sensitive type. You guys just need to loosen up a little."

Ashido twiddled her fingers. "That's kinda mean, Kaminari... It's okay if we think differently, isn't it?"

Kaminari blinked. Realizing how his words came off somewhat rude, he sheepishly apologized. "You're right. Sorry, guys. I didn't mean anything by that."

Kirishima gave Kaminari a thumbs up. "It's cool."

Brows cinching, Iida pushed up his glasses. "I accept your apology, but in the future, do not make inappropriate comments about other's parents."

Hagakure returned the picture of your parents to your desk. "Onto Shoji's room!"

Your peers trickled out the room.

Todoroki was about to follow them down the hall when he heard Midoriya ask you,

"Why did you lie...?"

Todoroki stopped.

Turning on his foot, he saw you and Midoriya facing the balcony curtains. Neither of you seemed to notice Todoroki.

"Every person who is aware of my parent's status is saddened by it. Melissa. David. All Might. And you, Midoriya, on the day that I informed you." You blinked faintly. "I did not want to make everyone sad."

"...Oh." Forest green eyes softened. "Even in that kind of situation, you were thinking about everyone's feelings?" Midoriya lowered his head. "But isn't the most important thing...how you feel?"

Your reply was instantaneous. "I did not lie about being uncomfortable. I did not feel anything then."

Fists clenching, Midoriya almost shouted, "That's good! I'm truly glad you weren't offended, but...!" He whipped towards you. "I'm asking you to prioritize your feelings! If there's ever a situation where you're hurt, don't just take it!"

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