[67] Lovely Cyborg

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You breathed heavily.

It was over.

You knew you would win, but it was nice to know that you could take these weights off now.


You turned your head.

Kirishima came running.

He skidded to a stop in front of you, and excitedly gesturing with his hands, he raved, "That was so manly! You were like, boom! Pow! And with just one leg!"

"Boom," you echoed.

"How did you do it!?" Kirishima hardened his hands to tear the rope binding yours. "I didn't know you were that comfortable with melee! You're always going pew pew."

"I go pew pew?"

"Yeah, you know, your lasers!" said Kirishima. "Well, maybe not pew pew. You don't really shoot in short bursts. Maybe shwoom? Anyway, I could learn a thing or two from you. Train with me some time?"

You blinked. You didn't think you were all that amazing. "Okay."

"Thanks!" Kirishima undid your vest and it fell to the floor with a concerningly-loud thud.

Letting out a long breath, you relaxed your shoulders. "Thank you."

Kirishima bent down to get the weights on your leg. "Yeah, I gotcha."


Shinsou's vision was fading.

Above him, he could faintly make out a black blob. Aizawa.


You'd struck Shinsou in the stomach, solar plexus, and liver. All sweet spots to target if you really, really wanted to down someone.

Shinsou passed out.

When he next opened his eyes, he was in the infirmary.
Shinsou clenched his jaw. The pain had gone away for the most part, thanks to Recovery Girl no doubt. But by God was he sore.

Shinsou chuckled to himself.

You got him good.

"Oh, you're awake."

Shinsou's tired gaze dragged to his right.

He raised a brow. "...Why are you here?"

Kirishima was sitting next to Shinsou's bed. To Kirishima's left, there was an empty chair.

He answered curtly, "I'm not here because of you."

Kirishima tipped his head to the empty chair. "He insisted. He's in the restroom right now."

"...I see." Shinsou clenched his jaw again. However, this time, it wasn't because of any physical pain.

He was confused.

Why were you so insistent on helping him? And why were you checking on him even after the match?

"Hey. Shinsou, right?"

Shinsou turned to Kirishima.

Being observant as he was, Shinsou could tell from the very beginning that Kirishima didn't like him.

But he wasn't expecting such a cold, frigid expression on Kirishima's normally-sunny face.

Shinsou smiled mockingly. "You look a little bothered. Have I done something to piss you off?"

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora