[17] Team

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Shinsou dissolved the formation and so did the other team leaders. Everyone was sweaty, tired and panting.

"Let's see who the top five teams are!"

The cameras panned on each team as they were called.

"In first place, Team Todoroki! In second, Team Bakugou!"

The spiky-haired male was criss-crossed on the floor, groaning in rage.

"In third, Team Tetsu— huh!? Team [L/n]!?"

Shinsou smirked, glancing over his shoulder at his bewildered team. "Thanks for the help."

At the last second, Shinsou finally used his Quirk to nab some headbands, increasing the gap between third and fourth place.

"In fourth, Team Midoriya!"

He started crying so hard he broke the floor.

"In fifth is Team Wakatori! These five teams will proceed to the finals!"


You turned to see Ojirou's hand stop just before touching your shoulder. He furrowed his short brows and pressed, "What happened? I didn't realize what was happening until the end.."

Shoda meekly nodded to show his curiosity, his hands holding each other. Aoyama wore a grim expression.

Shinsou was already gone.

"What do you mean?" You moved to face them fully.

"Wait.. were you brainwashed, too? Damn!" Ojirou clicked his tongue and brushed past you. "Let's go.."

His tail waved indignantly, just like a frustrated cat's. All you and Aoyama could do was follow him while Shoda walked away to the 1-B entrance.

You were just as quiet and obedient as the others had been, so even though Ojirou had regained control near the end, he didn't suspect you of anything. You didn't come off as the scheming type, anyway.

"This sucks.. but congratulations all the same, Mina, [L/n]." Tsuyu huffed, staring straight ahead as you all filed into the stadium.

Ashido sighed and scratched the back of her head. "Bakugou only picked me as a counterstrategy against Todoroki's ice. This win doesn't really say anything about my strength."

She then worriedly looked up at you from your right. "Uh.. you're okay, right, [L/n]?"

Your peers kept glancing at you every now and then, their expressions mainly of concern. You were a bigger threat than any of them had ever imagined, but you were still the same [L/n] who wouldn't hurt a fly. Even if you knew the temperature was set that high, you wouldn't have fired at Rin.

Your hands tightened around your helmet. "..I wish to apologize. However, I am aware it was not my fault."

Tsuyu scrutinized you, picking up on how soft your voice was. "You're right. It's not your fault, but you still did that to him. Just because you didn't mean to doesn't mean you shouldn't apologize."

Iida fell back from Uraraka and Midoriya to join the conversation. "Yes! Asui is exactly right! I do think his forgiveness will lift both your spirits!"

Rin was out cold when you got to the infirmary.

"You really did a number on him, you know..? Ah, it'll be quite a while before he wakes up."

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя