[75] The Thing About Harajuku (Final Part)

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Something's not right.

Midoriya kept throwing nervous glances between you and Bakugou.

Nothing was out of the ordinary.

At least, on the outside.

Bakugou led the rest of you through the mall, towards the second yukata store.

Behind Bakugou, you kept close. Your owlish eyes were trained completely on him.

The weird thing was, compared to the outdoor walkways of Harajuku, this mall wasn't crowded at all. You had no reason to follow Bakugou to such an extent. And whenever you did, you liked to observe your surroundings while simultaneously keeping him within your peripheral vision.

Something was making you stick to Bakugou like glue.

Midoriya couldn't put his finger on it.

Instead, he put his finger on his bottom lip and sandwiched it with his thumb. Then he tugged.

This morning, you'd asked him for information about Bakugou. You'd also told Midoriya that one way or another, you were going to help Bakugou. You'd been planning to do so ever since that little stunt he pulled– the one where he turned the dorm shower room into a slaughterhouse.

Midoriya let go of his lip.

Anxiety turned into fear.

His big eyes flicked right to bore holes into the side of your face.

Is he going to–...

Slowly, he switched to looking at Bakugou.

...ask Kacchan about it?

Right here, right now?

Your mouth didn't move.

Everything else did.

Your back curved outward, your hands hid inside your pockets, and your legs slid far apart.

You took a long step forward.

You were doing the same hunchback, hands-in-pockets, shit-in-pants walk that Bakugou liked to do.

The most relieved sigh flew out of Midoriya. He practically deflated. "Oh, thank God."

Kirishima and Kaminari nearly shat themselves laughing. You looked like a cross between a baby penguin and a skinwalker.

"You're doing so good, !"

"Why is it so accurate!?"

Bakugou yanked his chin over his shoulder to yell, "The fuck are you idiots laughing at!?"

He saw you.

When he did, he completely stopped walking.

You bumped into him.

With an innocent blink, you said, "I am sorry, Baku–"

"I'll kill you!"

And so, you were now running for your life. Bakugou was throwing his arms backward and using his explosions to propel himself after you.

Iida's engines fired as he broke into a sprint. He had to catch Bakugou before someone actually died. "Control yourself, Bakugou! We are in a public space!"

"I control whether you live or die!"

"Please stop saying such heinous things!"


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