[5] Bionic Boy

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   "What.. is a friend?" Kaminari raised a brow at you, clearly confused himself. "Don't you know?"

"I do not see the purpose in asking if I did not know prior." Your obliviousness to such a common concept bewildered Kaminari.

And then he burst out laughing.

Clutching his stomach, he bent over, laughing his ass off.

You stared down at him in wait.

"Whew!" Kaminari straightened up, wiping a tear from his eye. "That was a joke, right? Right?"

The boy was in clear denial.

"I do not joke."

"Ah." All the amusement slipped away from Kaminari's face. Looking apologetic, he said, "So.. you really don't know? Have you ever had friends?"

You answered, "Melissa says she is my best friend."

Kaminari scratched at his head in frustration. "How do you not know what a friend is if you have a—!? Never mind.."

He sighed, closing his eyes. "Welp.. It's better to show than tell, as they say."

Your eyes landed on the inviting hand the blond extended towards you.

Kaminari's golden eyes seemed to twinkle. "Let me be your first friend!"

You made no move to intercept his open palm. "You still have not answered my question."

"Well.. I don't have to. I'll show you what a friend is!" With a crooked grin, he jabbed his opposite thumb into his chest.

Kaminari's grin became full when you finally shook his hand.

                                                                                              [ ]

You sat on the couch of your living room as you texted Melissa. Given it was eight a.m. where she was, you couldn't call her. She'd be in school right now.

Messages < | Melissa |


Hello, Melissa. Given the assumption you are going to ask about my first day, it went fine.

There was a Quirk apprehension test. Despite my lack of a Quirk, I scored tenth out of twenty-one students. My lack of a Quirk is allowed for unknown reason.

A classmate named Kaminari Denki offered to be my friend. However, he refused to explain what a "friend" is. He informed that he would "show rather than tell." I do not find that helpful.

You exited the app. Melissa would respond far later, given how busy the academy kept her. You estimated a response would be received at around eight p.m.

Now.. what were you gonna do today? You had no homework.

And then you remembered Kaminari's advice.

"With just a bit more muscle, you would've wrecked the scoreboard!"

You concluded that you should work out.

But first, groceries. The fridge was empty, after all.

You crouched down by your open suitcase. Last night, you'd unpacked only the hygiene products.

You changed into a black tee, dark red shorts and put on your sandals.

Now outside, you checked your wallet. It contained seventy dollars in yen.

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