[74] The Thing About Harajuku (Part 5)

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"What does Todoroki want to do?"

"I'll show you."

The further you got from Bakugou and Midoriya, the quieter it became.

All you could hear were the sounds of crickets chirping, the occasional chatter from passing strangers, and your sandals shuffling against the concrete.

Todoroki was leading you towards a residential area. His denim jacket would occasionally flutter just the slightest.

The warm breeze was a kiss farewell. August was saying goodbye.

You walked next to Todoroki. Shoulder-to-shoulder, nose-to-nose.

Unlike Bakugou, Todoroki saw you as nothing less than his equal.

No– not his equal– you were something greater.

You, who accepted Todoroki from the start.

It was funny how differently things turned out. He'd been so cold to you, so uncaring.

Once he stopped thinking of himself as a doll, a monster of his father's creation, he began to see not only himself, but other people for who they were.

To Todoroki, you were light.

All Todoroki's little offerings were his own innocent, juvenile ways of expressing that to you.

He shyly glanced at you.

Your braid was bouncing against your strong back in a gentle rhythm. It'd slipped off your shoulder.

Along the curve of your cheek, sunlight brushed the back of its fingers against your skin.

Todoroki wished that it was his hand.

He could buy you things. He could pull you from your seat. But he couldn't hold you. He didn't have the bravery, not yet.

When you looked around, you saw the colors of the surrounding houses become progressively more muted. Japanese architecture wasn't exactly known for looking lively.

This neighborhood held life nonetheless.

Two children ran past you and Todoroki. Their high-pitched laughter rang out in the relative silence. Back-and-forth, they passed an orange ball between them.

You watched the children go, head tilting. Then you turned to ask Todoroki, "Is it fun?"

He didn't answer.

How would he know?

Todoroki had never gotten to play with his siblings. Not even once.

What he did remember was the feeling of longing as he watched them play in the courtyard.

"Yeah," he said finally, "it's fun."

"Do you want to play?"

Todoroki looked up.

You were staring back at him. Above you, the afternoon sun formed a halo around the crown of your head.

After a heartbeat, you added, "After we do what Todoroki wants."

He smiled.

You really were an angel.

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