[37] ???

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"All Might? All Might! All Might, wake up!"

When the man finally heard Midoriya, he woke up with a snort. The giant snot bubble that came out his nose popped as he did so. You blinked. It'd been huge enough to be mistaken for a transparent balloon.

You kept to yourself as Midoriya chattered about I-Island. After Melissa's voice mail, you learned from a later text that although All Might had chosen Midoriya as his guest, he'd offered to chaperone you.

You glanced out the window. Midoriya was frothing at the mouth at the sight of I-Island, but it was nothing new to you. Neither Midoriya frothing at the mouth or I-Island were new to you.

"Young [L/n], is everything alright? You've been awfully quiet."

"Mr. Might." You turned to forward to make eye contact with All Might. He and Midoriya sat directly in front of you. "Yes, I have been quiet."

He pursed his lips. He didn't think he'd get used to your directness. Sure, you had quite the attitude before you lost your memories, but this was something different.

All Might asked, "Are you excited? Young Midoriya here certainly is."

"...Yes." You recalled that strange river in your veins. "I am excited."

All Might's angular features softened. "I'm glad, Young [L/n]."

Midoriya glanced between you and his mentor, a big smile on his face.

"O-oh, by the way..." All Might clamped a hand down on your shoulder. "Don't tell David or Melissa I gave away One for All, okay? I know you know."

Midoriya began to squirm. He also knew you knew, but it was always awkward whenever brought up.

"Yes, Mr. Might."

A beep rang over the intercom. "The plane will soon begin its descent to I-Island."

All Might got up from his seat with a sigh. "Now it's about to get pretty exhausting, because once I arrive..." His muscles strained under his suit as he grew bigger and bigger. Throwing off his suit, All Might posed in his Hero costume. "...I have to maintain my muscle form constantly!"

Now he had to squat to even fit inside the jet. You blinked. How All Might grew muscle seemingly out of nothing was an enigma.

"Now, Young Midoriya, Young [L/n], you two have to change as well. You asked the school if you can bring your Hero costumes with you, right?"



When you exited the jet, you thought about how you'd been here just months before.

For some reason, I feel as if it has been a long time.

Before you could get into the main part of the airport, you'd have to get through security. You stood still as a statue on the giant conveyor belt. With your helmet and armor on, you looked like a life-sized figurine.

"Young Midoriya! I have a question for you."

Midoriya looked up at All Might. "Yes?"

Whatever All Might asked him, you didn't hear a word of it. You found yourself ignorant to your surroundings lately.

I am going to see Melissa and David.

Tingles ran from your stomach to your neck.

I am going to see them soon.

"Guest inspection complete."

You glanced upward to see your face and identification displayed alongside Midoriya and All Might's. The door to the center of the airport opened and you walked past, taking in the amount of people gathered. With the I-Expo, the island's usually desolate airport was crowded.

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