[46] Gremlin Retrieval

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Yaoyorozu covered her mouth in horror. Kirishima and Todoroki inhaled sharply.

Iida's rage had boiled and spilled over.

"I'm frustrated too!" he spat. "I'm worried too! Who wouldn't be!? I'm the class president! I worry about all my classmates, not just Bakugou! Seeing your injuries, lying on that bed, just like my brother! If you guys go through with this rashness, if something happens to you that can't be recovered from, like my brother... Are you saying my concerns don't mean anything!?"

He gripped Midoriya's shoulders. "Do my feelings...not mean anything?"

"Why did you do that?"

Five heads whipped towards your monotone voice.

"[L/n]...!" Iida released an unresponsive Midoriya. Guilt seeped into his features.

You stepped over the mangled sunflowers. "Why?"

Iida couldn't answer.

Kirishima uneasily shifted from foot to foot. Todoroki averted his gaze. Yaoyorozu's eyes widened as she noticed the sunflowers meant for her.

Coming to a stop, your gaze flicked between Iida's conflicted grimace and Midoriya's bruised cheek.

You lifted one hand and Iida braced himself.

Were you going to hit him?

Your cold palm gently caressed Midoriya's cheek.

"Are you alright, Midoriya?"

Instead of flying away from you, Midoriya relished the contact for once. "Y-yeah..."

He leaned into your palm and closed his eyes.

Iida flinched.

Seeing that somehow hurt more than a punch would.

Iida finally answered you with a clear of his throat. "I was--no, am angry because Midoriya and the others might come out permanently injured in their mission to rescue Bakugou. I just..." His voice grew smaller. "I don't want them to end up like my brother did."

"I'm sorry about your brother, Iida. If his health has improved, that is good." You continued holding Midoriya's face. "However, even if you are angry, you should not hit your friends."

Iida hesitated. "...Thank you for your well wishes. And I agree with that statement, but I do not believe that it applies in a life-or-death situation such as this." He sighed and pushed up his glasses. "Have you come to join them too?"

"No. I came to gift Yaoyorozu sunflowers."

Releasing Midoriya's face, you walked back to where you'd dropped the sunflowers.

They were ruined. Brown seeds and golden petals littered the concrete.

You gathered the sunflowers in your arms. "I'm sorry, Yaoyorozu. I will gift you new sunflowers."

"No, no!" Yaoyorozu rushed to take them from you. "They're lovely, [L/n]."

She forced a smile just for you. In her mind, it was her fault that you saw Iida punch Midoriya. The guilt weighed over Yaoyorozu like a storm cloud.

Todoroki spoke. "Iida. We're not trying to confront and attack them head-on. Not at all."

"You're--you're not?"

Kirishima joined Todoroki. "We're going to rescue Bakugou without combat. This is a covert operation! A way for us to fight...without breaking the rules!"

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