[19] Kindness and Warmth

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The sound of your footsteps bounced off the stone walls as you walked towards the ring.

Your belly was full of veggie pancake, your hair was re-done by Aoyama and you'd received encouragement from your peers.

You were in top condition.

"With the arena all thawed out, it's time for the next match! On the right we have [L/n] [Name], the scorching sun of 1-A!"

You adjusted your helmet for more security, the sunlight bouncing off of it to create a dazzling shine.

"On the left is Akajima Tadashi of the support class! But he doesn't seem to be wearing any items..!?"

Akajima sighed, eyes shutting and a gentle smile on his face as he walked forward. "That makes it sound like I'm planning something.."

His voice was deep and teetering on the edge between firm and soft. When he opened his eyes again, they were revealed to be a brilliant vermillion.

He gave you a genuine closed-eyed smile paired with a tilt of the head. "I wish you luck, [L/n]."

You tensed up. Is this.. a threat?

Kirishima wished you good luck once before punching you in the gut. Was this the same thing?


Despite Mic's call, neither of you moved. Other than that, many audience members were more focused on Akajima's looks rather than the actual match.

There was no lying-- this dude was handsome. His face was older, much more mature than the other first years', and he had a broad-shouldered and muscular build. A healthy olive colored his skin and his light brick red hair was swept into a small ponytail while the rest of his fluffy fringe roamed free.

But in spite of how looming his 5'10 stature was, you didn't feel any hostility from him in the slightest.

"Uh.. are you guys gonna start, or..?"

Akajima produced a dismissive chuckle and faced the commentator booth. He waved a hand and informed, "Even if I did want to fight, I'm not going to do it with someone that impaired."

He cocked his head at your helmet. "The reason must be serious if he has to wear that."

Midnight nodded before sending you a glare. "I let it slide during the calvary battle, but don't do it again unless you intend on keeping it off for all your matches."

"Yes, Ms. Midnight."

At this, Akajima's eyes widened and his shoulders raised. "Wha--? H.. hey, don't take it off even if it's not me you're fighting. There're people here who won't hesitate to hurt you."

You adjusted the dial on your arm to 200 C. "Are you implying you do not wish to fight me?"

"That's right."

Midnight snapped, "Then why didn't you withdraw!?"

"Because.." Akajima softly chuckled, sweat running down his temple. "..I'm a support kid, not a Heroics kid. I want to show off my stuff, too, y'know?"

The audience and Present Mic collectively muttered, "What stuff..?"

"I can alter the body temperature of any part of my body, including the entire thing." The boy bashfully scratched his cheek. "I didn't bring any gear since I haven't made anything I'm proud of yet, but.. I'm confident that with my Quirk, I can endure severe conditions to collect rare materials."

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