[47] Dreamer

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You, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Midoriya trickled out the crumbling building and into a nearby city square.

You'd already put your Mary Janes and lace gloves back on. Bakugou was visibly disgusted by this.

As Midoriya phoned Todoroki, Bakugou 'thanked' the rest of you. "Listen up! It's not like I got saved or anything! You idiots just happened to be the most convenient option at the moment!"

Kirishima grinned happily. He gave the blond a thumbs up. "Good choice!"

Bakugou scoffed. Turning his head, he muttered, "I just didn't want to get in All Might's way."

You watched Bakugou's expression closely. He was frowning as usual, but it was different this time. You weren't sure how to explain it.

Bakugou felt your gaze on him. He snapped, "What, Tin Can!?"

"...I am happy that you are with us."

Red eyes widened before turning white with irritation. "Keep that sappy shit to yourself! Moron!"

You? Happy?

Bakugou narrowed his eyes. He'd seen your happiness before, albeit only a second of it. That was when you came back after your head injury. Your classmates had crowded around you in worry.

It was strange. This time, your eyes had been gold for almost twenty seconds.

"He was sad, y'know," said Kirishima, jutting his chin at you. "When you left."

Bakugou cocked a brow. "And how do you know that?"

Kirishima smiled and tapped the space beneath his left eye. "His eyes turned blue. He might not show it, but he really cares about you, man. His eyes only change if he's super emotional."

Bakugou shoved his hands into his pockets.

...The tin can was sad?

He glanced over at you. You were silently watching news helicopters fill the sky, head tipped backward.

Kirishima wouldn't lie. Your eyes hid nothing.

But why? Bakugou had never been anything but mean to you. To be fair, he was pretty mean to Kirishima as well, but the other boy never took it personally.

Bakugou exhaled through his nose.

Only good thing about that damned tin can is his thick skin.

The peace period didn't last long.

The helicopters you'd been watching were now recording live footage of All Might as he fought All For One.

All Might's right fringe was loose. His left one was still rigid.

That meant half of his face was in its true form. Fortunately, the cameras only got his good side.

Gran Torino was there to both physically and mentally ground All Might after he got baited by All For One.

A reporter began to speak. "We're here at this nightmarish scene! Half of Kamino Ward was destroyed in the blink of an eye! All Might is currently exchanging blows with the purported villain behind all this destruction!"

Time slowed.


How many people was that? How many people were in that part of Kamino Ward?

You spun around and sprinted back the way you came.

The hallucination of death you experienced earlier was the reality for the victims of Kamino Ward.

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