[29] Thinking for Yourself

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[A/N]: There are minor timeline errors in this chapter. I apologize in advance LOL. At the time, I was writing from memory.

Now at home, you take out your phone and debate calling Melissa.

I must moisturize and exfoliate...but I do not know what products to use for my 'skin type', as Yaoyorozu said. You pull on your chubby left cheek with your free hand. What is my skin type?

Setting the phone done on your desk, you head towards your bathroom. Once in front of the mirror, you stare closely.

I have never paid attention to my skin since I have been awake. You poke your forehead a few times. How do I properly identify skin type?

You Moogle it. You end up watching three different videos covering all the different types.

As the woman in the video points out the T-area, you nod along. Surely I will be able to identify my skin type now.

Standing in the bathroom quietly, you conclude that you have this certain type. You've been foolishly washing your face every morning without proper face wash or any other after-products.

You blink. Perhaps I am a fool.

At the local beauty supply store, the cashier watches you curiously. It's not everyday you see a young boy (not to mention cyborg) shopping for skincare products.

I did not need to rely on Melissa, you think triumphantly as you hold up a 24K gold face mask. I have fulfilled her request for today. I did not need to rely on Midoriya, or anyone else either...

You set ten different items on the register. The cashier appears mildly concerned.

You sparkle. I will make up for my poor 'skincare routine' with these items.

You wake up with a pimple on your chin the next day.

"What is this?" You narrow your eyes at your reflection. "An infection? A colony of bacteria?"

Your eyes dart to your phone. Is this matter worth disregarding Melissa's request? I may have to rely on her.

You decide to go next door.

Midoriya, the ever early riser, is fully awake when he opens the door. He blinks. "Oh, hey. What's up?"

You tentatively point at your pimple since you'd learned that poking it hurts the hard way. "Will you help me identify this odd growth on my chin?"

He deadpans. "That's a pimple."

"Is it a health risk?"

"Um, no? It doesn't look like a cyst or anything..."

"What treatment do I need? What is a 'cyst'?"

Midoriya begins to tremble. He's not looking forward to the barrage of questions to come.

Inko ends up inviting you inside and treating your pimple herself.

You sit at the dining table while Inko stands by your side while Midoriya watches from across the room with an exasperated look.

Inko smiles. "Let's ice it first."

You flinch at the coldness against your face. Struggling to talk without displacing the ice, you ask, "How will the ice treat the 'pimple?'"

"The redness and size will go down," she chirps cheerfully. "I got some pimples as a teen, but Izuku hasn't yet, so I might be a bit rusty at this."

Midoriya scratches his cheek. "Mom, I think there's some liquid bandage in the medicine cabinet. I heard it's good for pimples."

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