[13] Meant to Help

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Your class didn't expect you to show up with your hair in a dainty French braid.

"Ehh? I didn't expect you to like girls' hairstyles!" Ashido bounced up to you as you walked towards your desk, a hand reaching up to flick at the braid sitting at your nape.

It was slightly messy due to how the length of your hair was mostly uneven. Parts of your fringe still curtained your face and brushed your nose, but it was definitely a good look on you.

Kirishima made his way over to you, a bright beam on his lips. "Super manly, [L/n]! I like it!"

Confused by Ashido's comment, you reached up to brush some of your right fringe behind your ear. "A girls' hairstyle..? And thank you, Kirishima."

You didn't understand why he said "manly" so much. Nor did you understand gender-specific things. You genuinely didn't notice all the pictures of hairdos that popped up on Moogle were all modeled by women.

"Yeah! Braids are mostly worn by women. Rin from Class 1-B has his hair braided, too!" Ashido smiled encouragingly as she let go of your braid. "So don't think it's weird or anything."

Asui joined the little group. "You didn't know that, [L/n]?"

You shook your head. "I did not."

Satou blinked from his seat. "I thought everyone knew that..?"

Midoriya was also at his seat. He apprehensively watched you peacefully converse with some other students.

You not knowing something that basic was definitely fishy. It was small, but Midoriya had his guard up around you for too long to let even that get past him.

"Get a girlfriend, dude! Then you'll know for sure!" Kaminari came from behind to sling an arm over your shoulder, startling you a bit. "You've got the looks of a heartbreaker, man! I'd get rid of the cheeks, though.."

You were definitely a looker, but the roundness of your face sort of "ruined" your potential charm. Your wide-awake eyes and stiff face made you look more like a child's expensive doll than a human. Not to mention you were on the lanky side.

At least you had naturally broad shoulders (even before your surgery) and had your height going for you. Those two things were perhaps the most masculine appeal you had at the moment. While you by no means looked feminine, you lacked the same rugged appeal that Kirishima or Bakugou had.

"Nooo!" Hagakure let out a whine of protest at Kaminari's words. She jogged right up to you and squeezed your mochi-like right cheek. "He's so cute!! Like a mochi!"

Uraraka stayed in her seat as she observed your eyes widen briefly at the unexpected pinch.

She gulped, chest tightening. She had no idea how Hagakure was so easily able to talk to you like nothing happened.

Like you didn't try to do exactly what the villains tried to do.

Iida's booming call interrupted her thoughts. "Everyone!!"

He stood behind the podium, arms stretched up in a V. "Morning homeroom's about to begin! To your seats!!"

It had actually been a minute since everyone sat down, including you. Sero muttered exasperatedly, "We're sitting. You're the only one up.."

A mummy suddenly entered the classroom. "Morning."

Your class yelped (with the exception of you, Todoroki and the other more reserved members), "You're back already, Mr. Aizawa!?"

The man was covered head-to-toe in gauze. Not a peep of his pale skin could be seen through all the white strips.

You subconsciously leaned forward, eyes taking in his hunched form and wobbly gait. The attack had been the day before yesterday, yet Aizawa was already back.

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ