[53] Confrontation

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Being dorm neighbors with Bakugou was...interesting to say the least.

As you both had similar sleep schedules, you often encountered each other in the communal restroom.

"You are brushing your teeth too harshly, Bakugou. You will damage your enamel."

Bakugou spat into the sink. And maintaining eye contact, he swished water around his mouth.

You waited patiently.

Bakugou spat at you and you dodged.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Please do not spit at me."

"What did I just say!?"

Bakugou was usually in bed by eight-thirty. You put yourself to bed at exactly nine every day.

While Bakugou liked washing up just before bed, you tended to prepare about forty-five minutes ahead of time.

You always woke up at the exact same time. Because you two were the earliest risers in class, no one was there to curb Bakugou's malevolence.

"Good morning, Bakugou."

"I hope your morning is shit."

"I do not understand how a time of day can be excrement."

"Maybe you'll understand once I collapse your jaw!"


Every single morning, Bakugou woke up and chose violence.

Today was no different.

"What are you looking at?"

"I have concerns regarding your enamel."

"You want me to punch you?"

"I do not."

"Sure fucking sounds like it."


After nailing you in the gut, Bakugou sauntered out the restroom.

You were hunching over the sink. Bakugou never pulled his punches.

Amazingly enough, getting antagonized daily did nothing to change your positive opinion of Bakugou.

You pressed a cool hand to your stomach.

How can I befriend Bakugou?

You were like a lost puppy.

There was, undeniably, an odd and stifling air about some of the other U.A. students.

This was most apparent during lunch. Lunch was the one time where every student in school gathered in one place.

Chin held high as usual, Bakugou led the class into the cafeteria.

Heads turned. Hands covered whispering mouths.

All Might's retirement was still a fresh wound.

Bakugou snorted.

He noticed the hushed chatter, of course. He just didn't give a shit.

Cherry red eyes glanced to the right.

Kirishima was talking to you animatedly. He was all happy smiles. You listened to him, attentive as always. Neither of you seemed to take note of anything.

As Bakugou looked away, his jaw relaxed just the slightest.

In the three weeks following the Kamino incident, every U.A. student had been ordered to stay at home. Spite, hostility, and sorrow had built up like a toxic fog. Though only a minority of students resented Bakugou and the rest of 1-A, their presence was still felt.

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