16. Bearer of the Stars

Start from the beginning

After talking to Felis, Mei and I went back to Elysia, who must have thought we were coming. She was already sitting waiting on the couch where I had left her. ,,Mei, you're back! So how was it? Did you get along with Aponia? Any secrets to share?" Elysia asked excitedly. Mei remained silent and I looked at her uncertainly. She seemed to be upset. ,,Oh dear, I guess the opposite happened, even your horns have a furious red. What went wrong?" Elysia continued. ,,What went wrong? Raven and I never made it to the deep end," Mei sighed. ,,How come?" asked Elyisa surprised. ,,On the other side of the door was a Painted World. Dream of the Depicter... I wouldn't know the name if it wasn't for Pardo," Mei explained. ,,Oh... I knew it was a misunderstanding! I would never risk your opinion of me! You actually have to cross the Dream of the Depicter to reach the Deep End. How should I summarize? It's like... a winding mountain pass that leads to a palace in the clouds? Judging by your expression, you should have met Kosma,'' Elysia replied.

,,Yeah. You sound like he's not always there?" asked Mei. ,,Kosma has a life, you know. But when Griseo wants to paint, he will guard the mountain pass like a real knight. You seem to be there at the wrong time. But on the bright side, you met another flame chaser, you made another friend, and you have another signet. Not many have the privilege of getting one from him,'' Elyisa explained further. ,,Is there anything else you can tell me about Kosma?" asked Mei. ,,You asked the right person. He is a especially gentle and fascinating boy. The quiet but sensitive type. I can read him like a book, but I'd leave him hanging. I can't help it- I love to see him blush and fumble with words. To help you both.... Ta-da! A dummie guide to the quiet boy! It's from the same series as the book for Kalpas, which is less famous. Here.'' replied Elyisa. ,,Thank you but no thank you. I still have to finish A Dummie's Guide to Kalpas.'' Mei declined. ,,What about you Yuki?" asked Elysia. ,,Don't worry, I want to get to know Kosma myself before I need a book," I replied.

After Mei told me that tomorrow we would go to the deep end and I should rest. On the way to my room I almost ran into Eden, but she didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, she seemed happy to see me. She also said that I looked brighter somehow. Whatever she meant by that. Only when I closed my room door, I realized what she meant. ,,Could it be that it did me good to talk everything out with Elysia?'' I asked myself. Somehow I felt better, too. I smiled slightly. Even if I'm not completely up to date, maybe it wasn't a bad idea to come here. I was right, if I only doubt myself I will never get a step forward. It's time I put more effort into helping Mei.

The next morning I got up early to wait for Mei in the lobby. But to my surprise, Elysia was also already there. ,,Good morning Elysia,'' I said in a good mood. ,,Oh~ Yuki, good morning to you too,'' Elysia replied before she stopped. She suddenly came closer to me and looked me thoughtfully in the eyes. ,,What is it?" I asked. ,,You seem to be more motivated and in a better mood today," Elysia replied. ,,As a matter of fact, I am. After I spoke to you yesterday, I felt better too. Eden had already noticed it, too," I explained. ,,I am glad. You always seemed to have a little rain cloud with you. Even Mei and the others were worried," said Elysia with relief. ,,I'm sorry, but I feel better now,'' I apologized. ,,You should tell Mei that too. ,,Otherwise she'll worry even more," Elysia said with a smile and disappeared from the lobby. Smiling, I shook my head until realizing something. ,,With everyone... does she mean Kalpas too? No, that would be impossible.''





After Mei came and thanked me for already being there, we set off for the deep end together with Felis as our guide. Mei had really been right the place she meant, really looked as if he had been painted. Pretty paintings floated in the air. But unfortunately I could not look around further, because Felis suddenly started to scream. ,,Hey! Kosma, can you hear me? Heyy!" Felis shouted. ,,What are you doing?" I asked. ,,Eleminating dangers! Running into Kosma could ruin our trip. So I thought I should call for him. If he shows up, we'll tell him we're wandering around," Felis answered. ,,... You really took every precaution there is," said Mei. ,,Better safe than sorry! Speaking of which, you can have this. Take it as a customer appreciation gift.'' replied Felis. Felis gave her signets to Mei and me. This was the first time I accepted something like this and somehow I felt no change.

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