Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions

Start from the beginning

Weiss: "We're not... staying here, right?"

Qrow: "Don't have a choice. Storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere."

Ruby: "We should bury them." she says.

Weiss: "You're right. Once the house starts to heat up, they'll start to smell."

What? That's not- Weiss?

Ruby: "...and because it's the right thing to do?"

Weiss: "Huh?" Her face turns bashful. "Y-Yes! Of course. I just thought that was obvious..."

Ruby: "O...kay?"

That was strange. Weiss doesn't usually act like that. Then again, what she found, what they all saw... It's taking everything Ruby has just to prevent herself from throwing up. Everyone reacts to stress differently.

Maria: "Welp. Might as well get comfortable."

She goes over to the bookcase, looking through it for something to read.

Yang: "Yeah, fat chance."

Ruby: "Okay then. Let's do something. This place might still have some supplies we could use. We can take the..." she pauses, trying to find a safe word, "...residents of this house and put them outside so we can bury them later."

Qrow: "I'll do another sweep of the grounds. Nobody goes anywhere alone."

He goes outside, shutting the door behind him.

Blake: "Yang and I can search the other buildings for vehicles."

Yang: "Fine." she gets up from the couch. "Whatever gets me out of this fucking house."

They follow Qrow's lead, going outside. Ruby blocks the door behind them. When they need back inside, there'll be people here, in the living room. She hears something to her right, seeing Weiss wrapped up in a blanket, looking miserable.

Ruby: "Food always makes me feel better." she says with a sympathetic smile. "Just saying."

Weiss: "...right." she agrees.

She and Ruby go to the left of the front door, to a currently unexplored part of the house.

Living Room

Maria: "I'll tell you what." she says to Neo. "You keep that fire fed, and I'll find us a story to read before bed."

Luna: "I'll stay right by your side."

Maria: "There's no need. It's not like anything will attack me right here."

Luna: "Be that as it may, I'd still feel better if I kept you safe."

Maria: "Safe... Well, okay."

Luna: "Good. Now, I-" She gets defensive. "Grandma, get back!"

She puts her arm out in front of Maria, facing down someone she's never seen before.

Luna: "There's someone else here!"

Maria: "Who what?"

The person they don't recognize smirks and their body changes, becoming a familiar pink and brown-haired girl. She puts her hand over her mouth as if she's laughing, though no sound is coming out. Luna drops her guard a little, but not by much. Neo sticks out her tongue.

Luna: "Oh, I see... You can change your appearance. That your Semblance?" Neo nods. "Well then... How are we supposed to know that's what you really look like?"

Neo shrugs and rolls her eyes, putting another log on the fire. Luna calms down completely, putting her weapon away. Neo curls up in front of the fire, her eyes changing colors with every blink.

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