Chapter 312: The Masquerade Ball (pt. I)

Start from the beginning

『Grey, don't smile at other ladies, okay?』 [Yuna]

『Haha... I should be the one saying that. Your smile is just too dazzling, Yuna. I'm sure many men would pine for it.』 [Grey]

『Oh, you... Mou... Don't say such embarrassing things so easily...』 [Yuna]

And there they go... It hasn't even been a minute since they made their entrance and they were already off to their own worlds. A pink and rosy atmosphere brewed over the two, blushing slightly as Yuna locked her arms inside Grey's.

"You two... Please stop flirting beside me... Okay...?" [Lisandra]

Lisandra didn't even need to hear the telepathic conversation between the two. After going around with them for several days, she could already tell without even hearing. They were simply too much, making her want to barf from too much sweetness.

Their entrance continued, the music and chattering floating in the air as the people continued to dance. The other nobles made their entrance soon after them, filling the main halls with more and more people.

The King and Queen were also already there, sitting on their thrones as they watched their subjects have fun. They also wore masks to cover up their faces, but with them sitting on their thrones, it really that much of a use.

"Their Majesties sure are carefree, aren't they?" [Yuna]

"Well, they wouldn't be able to fit in even if they tried anyway. Father's voice and physique would stand out too much." [Lisandra]

"I see... That's right, isn't it?..." [Yuna]

He was a hulk of a man with rock hard muscles covering his bodies, rich scarlet hair draping down his head and golden eyes glowing brightly. If there was an embodiment of the word "conspicuous", the King would surely be a candidate.

It wasn't just his physique, but his voice as well. Much like King Ernes of Alfrione, he has quite the loud and boisterous voice. Anyone with a brain would easily recognize him without even trying that hard.

"Fufufu! Lord Galahad, if it isn't too much to ask. Would you care for a dance?"

"I'm very sorry, My Lady. But I already have a wife. She would really kill me if she were to see me dancing with another lady." [Galahad]

"Lord Eliazar, did you grow more muscles again? You look much bigger compared to the last time I saw you. Hahaha!"

"Well, His Majesty has been sparring with me quite often these past few weeks. It must have been because of that." [Eliazar]

"General Harold! Hahaha, it's been a while!"

Well, it wasn't just the King, but a number of familiar figures as well. The Highest-rank officers of the army were especially popular, drawing in attention as they walked. Their features were simply too distinct for the people to notice.

Not that it has much to do with Grey and Yuna anyways. As long as they enjoy the night and nobody bothers them, then it would be more than perfect. Grey was also looking forward to one of the King's announcements sooner or later.

"My Lord, My Lady, would you like a drink?"

Just as they watched the scenery unfold, a waiter approached them, a large silver platter by his hand and a number of wine glasses sitting atop of it. They all had rich and deep colors, clearly the highest qualities of wine.

"I would like one, please." [Lisandra]

Surprisingly, it was Lisandra who got some wine for herself. She didn't even hesitate, extending her hand out and taking a little bit of a sip soon after. A bright smile shone on her face, looking like a kid who just ate her favorite candy.

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