Chapter 113- Meeting, Audrey

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Henry POV
I coughed as I woke up. I sat up, gasping. "Henry! Are you alright?" Asked Tom. I groaned, holding my head. "What...happened...?" I asked. "You passed out...Joey knocked you unconscious..." He explained. I sighed. "Is he gone?" I asked. Tom nodded. "For now." I nodded.

Suddenly I felt a strange atmosphere. I heard growling as well. I turned my head around and screamed, falling back onto the ground. Inky snickered. "Am I that scary?" They asked, purring. I glared at them. "Don't even." I stood up, groaning. Inky jumped onto the couch and sprawled out. "Share." I said. Inky shook their head. "Nope! It's my couch now!" Inky huffed. I rolled my eyes and sat on their back. Inky hissed at me. "Hey! Get off!"

"It's your couch as you said. You never said I couldn't sit on your back." I pointed out. Inky huffed and wagged their tail.

"Is this...normal..." Asked a female voice. Allison snickered. "Sadly, yes." I looked over to the voice and saw, Audrey. I widened my eyes and got my Golden ink out. "Relax, Hen. She's on our side now." Said Tom. I hesitantly disarmed my ink. "Plus, your ink would have no effect on me. We have the same ink."

"My gold ink wouldn't. My others would."

"Henry, quit." Inky growled. I rolled my eyes. Audrey walked over to me. "So Uhm...I'm sorry about what my father did..." She mumbled. I sighed. "It's fine..." Audrey smiled. "So...who are these people?" She asked. I looked around. "Oh yeah! Introduction! I totally forgot!" Allison smiled. "I'm, Allison! Allison Pendle! This is my husband, Tom! Also known as, Thomas Conner!" She explained. Audrey smiled. "Nice to meet you!" She said. "Is that all?"

"Not even close..." Inky mumbled. Allison grabbed Audrey by the arm. "Come on! I'll introduce you to everyone!"

Audrey POV

Allison lead me to a room. She laid a knock on the door and opened it. "Hey, guys! We have a new guest to introduce!" Allison said. Shawn, Grant, and Wally all looked to her. "This is Audrey! Audrey, these are, Shawn, Grant, and Wally!" She said as she pointed to each one of them, they smiled and waved. I waved back, nervously. Allison dragged me out of the room and to another room. She knocked on the door and went in. "Ello, Norm!"

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, placing his phone down. "I need to introduce you to someone!" She said. Norman nodded. Allison brought me in. "This is, Audrey. Audrey, this is, Norman! And that over there is a grumpy, Sammy. We don't mess with him. Literally don't go near him, he's aggressive." She mumbled. I nodded, concerned. She led me to another room. She didn't even knocked, just opened the door. "Guys! This is, Audrey. Audrey, that's, Buddy, and that's, Susie!"

"Hello, Audrey!" Buddy smiled. I smiled and waved. She then dragged me to the last room. She opened the door and coughed. "Hello, guys? I was wondering where to two were...anyways! This is, Audrey. Audrey, that's Bertrum, Lacie, and two toons named, Alice and Boris!" She smiled. I nodded. "Hello..." I mumbled. They all waved. Boy I felt so awkward.

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