Chapter 107- Let The Fight Begin

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Henry POV
I widened my eyes. 'How could it be? We killed him! Twice! How is he back!?' I sighed, walked to Sammy. "Move." I said. He stared at me. "You can't be're going to answer it!"

"It's my house, Lawrence. Move." I growled. Sammy sighed and did as told, running to, Norman. I clenched my fist and unlocked the door, placing my hand on the handle. I felt an uneasy atmosphere behind me. "What are you doing?" Asked Inky. I looked down. "Joey's here...somehow...just...stay back while I talk with him." I mumbled. Inky growled. "Why-"

"Because I said so! No back up!" I spat. Inky whimpered, doing as told. I sighed, opening the door. I was met with Joey, as expected. Though, he looked different. Younger. Like his past self. "What do you want this time, Joey?" I asked, calmly. He laughed. "Didn't I tell you? I want to kill that little...brat."

"That "brat" is my son, Joey. You can't touch him." I spat. Joey snickered. "Your son? Henry! That thing is a monster! A mistake made from the ink machine." Joey said. I clenched my fist. "You son of a-" I raised my fist to punch him but suddenly a zap of gold hit me. I fell backwards, hitting the ground roughly. "Thank you, Audrey."

"Of course, father." Said Audrey as she came into view. I widened my eyes, standing up. She had gold ink as well. Gold ink up her arms and in both her eyes. I gritted my teeth. "Henry...let me introduce you to my daughter, Audrey." Joey said. I growled. "Since when did you have a girlfriend?"

Joey laughed. "Oh Henry! You're funny! I don't!"

"Then how-"

"That is for another day! For now, bring me that brat!?" Joey snapped, stepping into the house. Inky growled, walking on all fours. "I would run if I were you." Tom smirked. Joey raised a brow. "Say what now?"

Suddenly Inky charged at Joey, pushing him outside, him falling hard onto the ground. I sighed, walking outside. I snapped my fingers at, Inky. They looked at me, standing up. Joey coughed standing up. "Don't make me end you the same way I did at the studio." I growled. Joey had a smug look on his face. "You see, Henry. Normally I would be scared of you saying that. But..."

Joey then grabbed out a device looking thing. "See this thing? It immunes inks." He said. I raised my brow. "And how am I supposed believe that?" I asked. Joey smirked. "You see, old pal...after you killed me the second time. My dear daughter Audrey helped revive me! Though when I came back, I had a patch of blue ink on my arm! So I decided to test on it and made this device! It makes the inks disappear as long as this device is on your body!"

I felt my heart stop. This couldn't be true. I can't defeat him without it. He's to strong. I sighed. "Fight me, Henry. Like before, only I'll win." Joey smirked. I growled. "So be it, let the fight begin."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now