Chapter 32

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I now find myself standing in the middle of the stadium, up on a platform, covered in bandages. And the eyes of everyone in the stadium are on me.
This is really unpleasant, being stared at like a spectacle, though Katsuki definitely has it worse. Why the hell would they do that to him!?
I look to my right to see Katsuki standing on the first place platform, a few feet above me, while also being chained up.
"I AM HERE WITH THE MEDALS," All Might yells as he flies into that stadium, sending a small gust of wind into our faces.
First up, myself in third place, gets a medal.
"CONGRATULATIONS KYOYA! You have a very strong quirk, that you know how to use well, continue to hone and improve it," All Might says, as he slips the third place medal over my bowed head. Before moving on to give Todoroki his medal.
In the meantime, I look towards Katsuki, who is rattling against his chains. Despite his current situation, I try to give him a small smile as he looks back at me. Which, Luckly, does calm him down a bit, as he receives his medal from All Might, with some retaliation.
"WELL!! THESE ARE YOUR WINNERS!! But hold on everyone! Everyone here today has the potential to be standing up here!! COMPETITION! ENCOURAGEMENT! PUSHING EACH OTHER TO CLIMB HIGHER AND HIGHER!! THE SPROUTS OF TODAY WILL GROW INTO THE HEROES OF TOMORROW!!! In that spirit, lets have one final cheer!! THANKS FOR THE HARD WORK!!!!," All Might yells, despite most of the crowd not following his words.
Soon we are all released from the platform, as I run around the stadium trying to locate Katsuki. Finding him rather quickly, as I see him walking out of the stadium, and back towards campus for our last class of the day.
"Hey Katsuki! Congratulations on winning first place!!," I say as I come to stand next to him. Hearing a small grunt in response.
"Mhm, that Half-an-Half bastard didn't even try, that stupid medal is just of peice of junk," He says, kinda to my suprise.
"Well I suppose that would be frustrating, but even if Todoroki did give it his all, I think you still would have won," I say, as the two of us continue to walk through campus.
"What the hell do you mean?," He says in response, as I begin to explain.
"Todoroki might have two quirks, but you have the tenacity and speed to dodge his large scale attacks, as well as the skill to still find openings for yourself to attack. Plus, with that new move of yours and your giant explosions, you end up leveling the playing field in terms of how strong your quirks are, and you have more pure power than him anyway," I say, as we enter one of the campus buildings.
He's silent for a moment, as I look towards him. And I almost think that his cheeks are red, his face and ears a little more flushed than usual.
"Congratulations on winning third place by the way," He says as we enter the classroom, and I pause for a moment outside the door. Before entering, a smile on my face.

Authors Note
HELLO EVERYONE!! I hope you all had a great new-years day, and Christmas. Just letting you all know that I will be going back to school soon, so my posting will become less often. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPORT !!! 
:) -Possum

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