Chapter 41: Hidden Truth Discover

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After sneaking out of the hospital, I was currently making my way to the location my father had asked for me to meet up with him at.

I was making sure to keep to the shadows of buildings, making sure that nobody noticed me and tried to drag me back to the hospital or stop me from getting the answers I was looking for from my father.

'Father, there are so many things I want to know from you.' I thought as I continued walking through the outskirts of the village.


As I arrived at the location that father mentioned. I saw the most beautiful sight of flowing water surrounded by rocks, and the area also had multiple sakura trees as well as a giant purple roof, and a black house with a white snake statue in front.

My eyes widened at the most beautiful sight. I saw it when I came to the Hidden Leaf Village.

'This place is beautiful. I would think of love to live here to see this beautiful view every day.' I thought with awe in my eyes as I continued to take in the sight in front of me.

"It'sss beautiful, isn't hatching?" The familiar smooth and snake voice of my father asked from behind me.

I quickly turned around and looked up to meet my father's golden eyes staring right down at me.

"Yes, it is beautiful. I see now why you enjoyed this place," I replied with a small smile getting a warm feeling inside my chest as I looked into fathers eyes early. I was scared, but once we made direct eye contact, I felt different from than before.

"You want to know why I enjoy this place other than just the view?" He asked as we continued to look into each other eyes.

"Yeah, I'm pretty curious to know why you enjoy this place," I replied.

"You sssee that house with the sssnake ssstatue?" He asked, pointing at the house.

I nodded, letting him know that I was listening to his words.

"Well, that's where I ussed to live with my family. My family always had a strong bond with sssnakes," He explained.

"That amazing I which I got to grew up around here," I said in awe."The view is so amazing, and the house is lovely."

"Now, hatchling, I'm sssure there are a lot of questions you have for me," He said, placing a hand on my head.

"Yes, there are so many things I have been dying to know," I said, thinking about all the times I asked my mother about my father.

"What exactly are thossse quessstions?" He asked, backing up from me slightly and waiting for me to speak.

"Ever since I was young, I always wondered why I never saw you. If there was something I did wrong, my mother only mentioned your name and never an example of why you won't already. My older brother told me once he had seen you before, but never once did I ever see you. Why?"

"The Villagesss might of have had an alliance, but I was once loyal to my village and decided to stay there, besides when I first met your mother, I was escorting her to complete a guy the elders wanted her to marry for reasons. Then met again on my way back from a different mission at a bar. She was drinking from being upset, and I needed a drink to relax my mind after a long mission. I didn't even know she ended up pregnant with you, just that she had a son sometime back."

"So then you didn't ever visit me because you wanted nothing to do with your own child?" I questioned curiously.

"Sssure I never thought about having a child in the future, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have been glad to find out I was having one," He replied, resting a hand against his left cheek.

"So then, why didn't she never tell me that? Instead, she was always saying not to worry, but she couldn't explain to me that you didn't know about me just told me your name finally when she died," I said, clenching my fist, slightly upset at my mother for not telling me, sooner about my father.

"I can't anssswer that for sssure, but she mossstly had her reassson based on my status."

"Yeah, and what exactly is that. All the research I found on you mentioned nothing about you other than a one of the Sannin. Everyone I asked just avoided answering me when I asked about you!"

"I'm possstive you have the answer to that by now with our encounter and I'm sure people have been talking about me since I made myself known," He sated, looking at me as if waiting for me to realize.

"Your some kind of criminal that why they wouldn't answer me," I muttered."Is it because they believe that I'm bound to end up like you since I'm your child."

"Thisss village has a bad knack for asssuming about other just because of their relation to othersss."

I narrow my eyes slightly at the fact that everyone has been keeping my father hidden from me because of the assumption that I would possibly turn into my father.

"You answer my main questions, but I still don't know why you gave me this mark. What are you after because? I can't see you just coming to talk with me," I sated, curious about what he was after from me.

"Your right. I came here for something, but it had nothing to do with you at first," He replied. "I was curious when I heard from one of my followers that there was a girl resembling me, but what truly intrigued me was the rare ability running through your blood. Crystal style awakened at such a young age so much potential," He whispered, rubbing a head against my face."This village doesn't realize that keeping your mark seal stops you from truly knowing yourself prevents you from reaching it. I do you a favor with that mark I will help you get strong so let me unseal it, and together, we make you strong for the final match."

He continued to stare deep into my eyes as he rubbed my face as he wanted for my answer.

'I don't know. I do want to learn how to use my Crystal style and get strong truly, but I don't know how trustworthy he is. Yet mother left me a note to find him so he can't be a horrible person if she trusted him to take care of me after her death.' I thought as I stared back into my father's eyes.

"Alright, teach me everything you can. I'm going to show the village just what kind of shinboi I truly am in the finals!" I said with determination in my eyes.

"Excellent choice," He replied as I suddenly felt his hand on my shoulder before I was hit by a searing pain causing me to scream in pain."We start tomorrow morning after breakfast at this exact location," That was the last thing I heard as blacked out from the pain.


Hey lovely readers! I finally got chapter 41 of The Crystal Serpent completed and written. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter.

Q: What kind of training do you think in store for Kei?

Q: Do you think Kei will forgive the ones who kept the answers she been looking for hidden from her?

Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1283

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