Chapter 23: The Tenth question

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All the Genin flipped the paper over and grabbed the pencil. Kei looked and noticed that Kabuto was taking the test calmly. Kei shook her head as she stopped her thoughts from thinking about Kabuto's mysterious aura.

Getting that out of her thoughts, she started to read over the questions. She narrowed her eyes as she read over the questions. As she continued to read over them, she noticed that they seemed too advanced for a Genin.

She then shifted her attention to Kaito. His fake calmness dwindled as he kept reading the questions one by one. He rubbed a hand through his blue hair.

'That's not a good sign. Akira could probably answer a few of them but not all of them. Alright, clear your mind and focus. I need to think of the best way to help them.' Kei thought as she glanced back at her test and started answering the first three questions.

When she finished, she started thinking more about Ibiki's words.

'They give us advanced questions that you don't really get taught in the academy. Another thing is that the examiners. It's like they're assuming that we're going to cheat. Getting caught cheating was a two-point deduction. Generally, once you get caught cheating, you will be kicked out right away. So what the point of a two-point deduction?' Kei stared at Chunin, who were watching with an unfaltering gaze.

She then recalled Ibiki's words before the test had begun.'Those who cheat without thinking carefully will only hurt themselves. Show them what kind of Shinboi we can be.'

Kei's lips rose into a slight smirk as she stared at Ibiki, who was still standing at the front of the room watching the Genin with high expectations.

'Akira and Kaito, I hope you figure it out, but don't worry, I'll think of a way to help you two out.' She thought as she thought of a way to help her teammates.

Kei then put her hands under the table. She did hand signs as she decided to use a new justu abe been working on in private that helped her here.

"Glassscale Serpent!" Kei said in her head as she used her chakra to create a small-looking snake that looked a lot like glass, making it impossible to see from far away.

She then put a small note in the snake's mouth as she used chakra to direct the snake towards Kaito and then Akira.

'Alright, that should do it. My new justu for gathering information and delivering without being caught is coming in handy. Now they have the answers.'

A low bark was heard coming from Akamaru, who was on top of Kiba's head. He was barking the answers to Kiba.

She then looked back in front of her and noticed fast writing movements next to her. She shifted he ga, e slightly and saw Kabuto calmly answering the question without any hesitation. She then glanced to see if the grass ninja was doing quite well as well.

'That grass ninja is pretty intelligent. At least I'm not the only one here who stood a chance if answering the questions.' She thought, playing with her pencil while waiting for the tenth question.

A loud thud was heard, pulling Kei out of her thoughts. She turned her head to the source of the sound. There was a kunai pinning down a piece of paper on the table. The owner of the paper had jumped out of his skin and stared wide-eyed at the kunai with his mouth agape in shock. He was a Leaf Genin. Kei noticed that he was directly behind Hinata. The person next to her was Naruto.

The guy stood up and exclaimed angrily at the Chunin, who was the one who threw the kunai."What is the meaning of this?!"

"You screwed up five times. You fail," The Chunin replied. He pointed at the speechless Leaf Genin and called out."Teammates of his, get out of here. Right now."

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