Chapter 9 : Team Test

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Kei's P.O.V

I let out a loud groan as my alarm clock goes off, ringing loudly. I move my hand over to my nightstand and shut my alarm clock off.

"Okay, time to get up," I muttered tiredly. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before leaving and walking to the bathroom.

I quickly with through my morning routine. I was taking my shower and washing my hair. Then brushing my hair and putting on my daily ninja outfit.


After finishing my morning routine, I headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, breakfasts ready," Anko greeted, placing a plate on the table.

"Good morning," I said, sitting down at the table and reaching for the plate of toast and bacon in front of me.

"How did you sleep last night?" Anko asked, sitting down at the table about to eat her breakfast.

"I slept good," I replied after taking a bite of my toast.

"That's good because today you going need lots of energy for whatever your new sensei has planned," Anko said.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to brush my teeth and make sure I have all the ninja weapons I might need for today packed into my ninja tool pouch," I said, standing up and walking over to the sink to put my plate into the sink.

"Alright, don't take long because you have to meet up with your team in an hour," Anko said.

"I know," I said, heading upstairs to finish getting ready to meet up with my team.


After saying goodbye to Anko, I walked out of the house and started making my way to the training ground, where I was supposed to meet up with my new team.

'I wonder what kind of test Mizuko-sensei will have us do to prove that we deserve to be genin.' I thought as I continued walking to the training ground.

"Good Morring  Kei," Akira said, sitting right under a tree.

"Morring Akira," I replied. "I see where the first one here," I said, sitting down right next to her.

"Well, there are still 45 minutes left. They are here soon," Akira replied.

I nodded and took out a book on my clan kekkei Genkai. I was hoping to start to learn more about how to use it. I only knew some of what my mother taught me before she died. 

"Hey, guys!" A voice said.

I looked up from my book to see Kaito walking toward us.

"Hi, Kaito," Akira greeted.

"Good morning Kaito," I greeted before looking back down at my book.

"So, Kaito, is your mom on her way?"Akira asked.

"Yeah, she should be here in a few minutes."

The two continued to talk while I continued reading my book while waiting for Mizuko- sensei to show up.


"Hello, my students," Someone said.

I closed my book and looked up to see that Mizuko-sensei had arrived.

"Hello, sensei," I and Akira both said.

"Okay," Mizuko-sensei said, clearing her throat. "Your assignment is for your three to fight against me. Those who can't land at least one blow on me will be sent back to the academy," She finished with a serious expression on her face.

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