"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say."


The boys got home an hour later, walking through the front door holding an endless amount of paper bags.

Katie looked up from the TV she watched from the couch as they made their way into the kitchen, yelling "We brought food!"

Katie jumped up from the couch, walking over to where Niall was already picking through the McDonalds bag.

Andrea came skipping down the stairs after smelling the fast food from her bedroom.

"What'd you get me?" Katie stood on her tip-toes as she eyed all the food that was being picked out of the bags and placed on the counter.

Zayn grabbed a Caesar salad with light dressing and handed it to Andrea, who smiled happily and kissed the boy on the cheek.

Liam turned to look at Katie, a smile on his face.

"This is yours." He said, pushing a Big Mac meal towards her. The fries were extra crispy and her drink was a Strawberry Milkshake.

"Yes!" She cheered, eustatic.

Liam laughed and Niall shoved his face with his fries.

"Harry ordered for you." He grinned with his mouth full, Katie grimaced as he chuckle more.

Surprise crossed Katie's face as she turned around to find Harry walking up behind her. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a maroon colour shirt with his beige trench coat over top. His hair was messier than usual from the rain outside and his eyes were still covered with his aviator glasses.

She smiled at him. "You know my McDonald's order?" She smirked. "That's a little suspicious Hazza."

He smiled right back. "I just knew you wouldn't like a salad or anything like that. Go big or go home, right Kat?"

She laughed even more as she turned her back to him, back to her food. Suddenly a gentle hand rested on the small of her back as he suddenly leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Meet me in my room when you're done." He spoke softly. "I need help with something."

She nodded as she refused to turn to look at him. For some reason, that damn blush crawled back up her neck and to her face as she prayed no one would notice.

As he pulled away from her and grabbed his food off the counter, she dropped her head and concentrated on her french fries in front of her.


Katie climbed the stairs to Harry's room, stopping to knock gently at the door before pushing it open. She didn't know what he wanted help with, unless this was just some cheeky, weird, rapist way of making a move on her.

She almost laughed at her own thought as she pushed the door open to find Harry sitting on the edge of his bed with a guitar in his hand and a pad of paper beside him.

Sometimes his good looks took her by surprise, and she had to occasionally remind herself that he was real, and that he was sitting right in front of her. This was one of those times.

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