Chapter 81

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18 Years Later

"Argh....what time is it...?", the young man with black hair mumbled under his breath as he picked up his cell phone to check the time.

Just then, the alarm went off and he threw it against the wall.

"Much more peaceful.", the boy sighed.

"Blaze! Wake up! It's time for school!", the woman outside his room exclaimed.

"Understood ma'am!" the boy yelled, then woke up and started stretching.

Blaze's door opened and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh god...not again...", Blaze whispered.

"How many times did I tell you not to call me ma'am?", Alexa huffed out in annoyance.

"And how many times did I tell you that I needed my privacy?", Blaze spat out as he gestured to his shirtless body with toned abs and boxers.

"Touche, get ready for breakfast, Damien is dropping you off for your first day of school.", Alexa stated before she could walk away.

"It would have been nice if you could close the door on the way out.", Blaze added.

Blaze got up from bed and played his theme song on his speakers called, 'American Idiot'. He wasn't the talkative type, but that didn't mean he didn't scare people. He decided to exercise before having a shower and brushing his teeth. He wore a black shirt with black pants and a pair of white shoes. He rolled up his sleeves, which showed the tattoos that he had. He opened his wardrobe to take out his belt to use for his jeans and he froze. Blaze saw a picture of his parents in a frame on their wedding day. Blaze grabbed his backpack and the frame and walked into the kitchen and he cringed in disgust at Damien's and Alexa's affection towards each other.

Blaze's outfit:

"You guys are disgusting

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"You guys are disgusting.", Blaze stated as he sat down and ate a bowl of cereal. "And also...don't leave shit like this in my room again. I don't know them and I don't think that I would want to know them.", Blaze stated coldly as he tossed the frame across the counter, over to Alexa.


"Let's go, Damien.", Blaze stated, cutting Alexa off from talking.

Damien hugged Alexa reassuringly and kissed her forehead before leaving their house. Alexa sighed as she picked up the picture of Alex and Zoey.

Damien kept looking at Blaze.

"You know, you don't have to keep looking at me to check if I'm okay, if those people really cared about me, they wouldn't have thrown the responsibility on you guys, don't you think so?", Blaze stated as he could read Damien's thoughts.

"I guess your abilities never cease to amaze me.", Damien added. "But, I don't think you're a responsibility to us, you'll understand the things they did and why they did it in the first place later on. But for need to focus on your studies, and as usual, never let anyone know of your identity.", Damien warned Blaze.

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