Chapter 36

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"I like you."

"What?", Zoey yelled at him.

"You heard me... I know that you're going to get married soon. But I want to apologize for the bad ways I treated you, manipulated you, and used you. I didn't understand how to express myself and how to feel around you.", Eddie said as he kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"Wait, so you're telling me you have liked me all along?", Zoey questioned him as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes. Be with me instead, I can make you happy. I'm sorry for the way I rejected you back then. I'm so sorry, Zoe-Zoe.", he muttered under his breath before pulling her into a tight and warm hug.





Alex huffed as he paced around the house waiting for Zoey's return but she didn't come home.

"Where the hell is she...", he muttered under his breath before clenching his teeth tightly.

(I'm not dumb...I saw who messaged her. Why would she hide it though? She's not the type to cheat...), he thought to himself.

"Argh...Zoey, you're making me lose my mind.", he said as he finally sat down and ran his hand through his hair.

The Next Morning

The door opened slightly causing Alex to wake up in shock. He watched as Zoey quietly entered the house, looking exhausted.

"Where the hell were you last night?", Alex questioned her in a stern and cold voice.

Zoey froze like a mouse who was caught stealing cheese. She tried to walk past him into her room which was upstairs, but he grabbed her forearm.

"Where did you go last night, Zoey?", he questioned her again, looking straight into her eyes, which he saw were hiding something.

"I...I had something urgent to do.", she said trying to pull her arm back, but Alex didn't budge.

"Does he mean that much to you that you had to leave our date...?", he asked her as his tone softened up.

"I don't get what you're saying...", she stated as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't play dumb with me, Zoey. I saw the texts he sent you."

"Fine! I went to go help out Eddie who was out cold in a bar! What was wrong with that!", Zoey said as she yelled at Alex and broke away free from his grip.

"Then what the hell are you using right now!", Alex said pointing down at the clothes she was wearing.

Alex could easily tell that it was a man's clothes, and it also had Eddie's scent on it.

"I can smell his scent on you.", Alex growled at her.

He took predatory steps towards her, making her back leaning against the wall.

"You're acting as if I've cheated on you but I did nothing wrong. Can you just trust me for a moment, like how I always trust you!", Zoey exclaimed in anger as she started to tear up.

"You better explain now while you can Zoey.", Alex demanded as he put his two hands against the wall and leaned in close to her.

"You have no right to just throw your words at me like that.", Zoey stormed.

"Then start explaining or I'm going to ask him to explain, and I'm not going to be so polite with him like how I am with you.", Alex stated in a low and gruff voice.

"Okay, okay!"




"Were there any witnesses who saw your face?", Alex asked as he folded his arms which made his shirt look tighter on him.

"Yeah, the bartender. He seems trustworthy though.", Zoey stated as she tried to hide her flushed face at his site.

"Zoey, you can't be too naive. Did you ask Eddie if he normally goes to that bar?"

"No, why?"

"If he goes to that bar again, these men who you fought yesterday will most likely come back again and interrogate him into telling who and where you are. And as for the bartender, you can't be too naive."

"I can understand...", Zoey added on.

"Good girl. What else happened last night?", Alex asked as he reached over the table to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear which was now burning up.

"Eddie confessed to me."

"Oh? And what did you tell him?", he asked as he leaned back into his seat.

"I told him no. He manipulated me for long enough, and I think it's time I deserve my own happy ending and not worry about what people think of me. But I let go of him gently, maybe he's changed but it's too late.", she said shrugging.

Zoey then got out of her seat and sat on Alex's lap, and he held her and rocked her from side to side gently.

"I'm sorry for the harsh and raw way I am.", Alex said softly.

"I'm sorry too! I just borrowed his clothes so I could make you jealous!", Zoey exclaimed as she started to burst out in laughter. "He came up with the prank!"

"Ah...I can't believe I fell for that!", Alex added as he facepalmed.

"So worth it!", she exclaimed.

"I can't believe you!", Alex exclaimed as he burst out in laughter too.

"So...where does this leave us at now, princess?", he questioned Zoey as she snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him gently.

"It leads us with a happy ending of course!", Zoey exclaimed.

The next week.

"Zoey! Zoey!", Lily exclaimed. "Don't be nervous girl, you're so beautiful today!"

"Thanks, Lily...", Zoey said quietly as she gave her a big hug and then hugged her father and finally Dante.

"Make me proud.", Leo said before he could plant a kiss on her cheek. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, dad.", Zoey stated as she tried to hold her tears back.

"It's time.", the security guard said.

Zoey nodded.

Zoey exhaled as she covered her beautiful and delicate face with the veil. The gown had a delicate v-neck, both in the front and the back. The sleeves of the dress fitted her snugly and the silhouette sparkled with every move she made. White rose patterns were sewn on the dress and the hemline had fresh pearls sewn onto it. Beads and sparkles covered the entire dress along with the bodice. Zoey gently pulled the dress up and started to walk down the aisle alongside her father. He gave her a warm and loving smile that screamed out 'I'm proud of you, my angel.'

Zoey finally manage to peel her eyes off her father to look at her future husband, who stood there in awe of her. She caught him at the right time and he picked up his head to look up at her.

'This is it.'

'I will love you, forever and always.'

'A day to infinity.'

They thought to themselves at the same time.        

A/N: Oh my word! They're finally happy! But not for long ...How do you guys feel right now? Don't forget to like, subscribe and comment! 


~Yours truly


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