Chapter 35

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Zoey's POV

Damn...we were having such a good date, why did Eddie have to text me? What if something was wrong? What the heck did he even mean by 'I need you, right now please.' ?

I huffed out as I breathed in the smoke caused by these smokers. It was getting more and more chilly, so I decided to hug myself. I can't believe I forgot to take my jacket with me! Ugh. I just need to find Eddie real quick, take him home, and go back to the mansion, and VIOLA! The look on Alex's face though...I really have to make it up to him no matter what.

I walked into the bar to see that it was literally empty. Why couldn't he go home early? So many questions were running through my mind right now. I started to walk towards him but I was soon stopped by an oversized muscular slug!

"Hey, baby? You're looking fine, why don't we-"

That was the last thing he said before I knocked him out unconscious by kicking him in the face. Wow...quite funny that someone so big could get knocked out so easily...Not that I have any against oversized people. I just simply hate cheap people, because I know my worth is way more than these things in a bar.

I exhaled as I took the hairband off my wrist and decided to tie up my hair into a messy ponytail. Untidy, but neat. I pulled my sleeves up as I reached for Eddie and tried to wake him up. The upper half of his body was laid flat down on the countertop. He's really making me mad now.

"Eddie! Wake up!", I yelled in his ear so he could wake up, but he didn't budge.

The bartender gave me that look, the look that says, 'It's no use, go home.', that look. But just then I had an idea.

"Hey, can you please give me a glass of really really ice water?", I asked him and he gave it.

"It's on the house.", he said ending the conversation before I could protest.

"Thank you so much.", I stated as I gave him a warm smile and he nodded.

He seemed like a good soul, he was the only person who wasn't staring holes in the back of my head. I turned my back against the counter as I leaned on it and had a sip of the water. I turned to look at Eddie, and he was knocked out cold, I sighed as I could enjoy this moment. I splashed the cold water on his face so he could wake up quickly, turns out it works well.

He gasped in shock with his teeth chattering. Ah...he's definitely sober now.

"Sorry Eddie, I had to do it.", I said as I started to cringe.

The bartender tossed me a towel for Eddie, and I tossed it to Eddie. Call me rude, or whatever you want to, but I have a fiance and there's no way in hell that I'm cleaning another man's face.

"Damn...", was the only thing Eddie could tell me.

He really did change...but so have I...I'm not that weak girl who always needed him, I've grown up.

"Come, let's get you a cab home.", I said in a warmer tone as I got my phone out.

"'s fine, I can walk home.", he said as he grabbed hold of my hand. "I can go home myself."

Something didn't feel right though.

"Well, then where do you live?", I asked sarcastically.

No response. Does he really not have a place to live...?

"I can go myself.", he said in a cold tone as he grabbed his jacket and left the bar, leaving me and the bartender dumbstruck.

"Wow...", the bartender and I said in unison.

"Good luck with your fiance missy.", the bartender huffed as he looked at my ring.

"He's not my fiance. Take care.", I said as I clenched my teeth and ran after Eddie.

I looked around for Eddie to see that he was not around.

"Argh...where the hell are you...", my voice trailed off as I saw Eddie being pushed around in a dark alley.

Shit, his heart. Was the first thought that ran into my mind. Eddie always got sick when he was younger, it was an easy way to get what he wanted from me. He always manipulated me and I fell into his trap, as foolish as I was.

I looked around the place to find anything I could cover my face with, but I couldn't. All they looked like was a bunch of drunkards they might not recognize me, right? I looked around again to see if there were any other people but there were none.

I used it as my chance, as I started to run head-on towards a man who took out a knife for Eddie and I pinned him against the wall, breaking his hand that held the knife and grabbed hold of the knife. The rest of the gang looked at me in shock but came to their senses as they started to charge toward me like a bunch of bulls that have just seen red. I waited for them to get close enough to me, so I could dodge their attacks which made them end up hitting their own men with a bat.

"Ahh! Get that little witch now!", the man with a broken arm demanded, which made the other men run toward me.

I quickly grabbed Eddie quickly and pushed him far enough, away from the fight. I held my hair and pulled on it to make it tighter.

The first guy ran towards me with a knife in his hand and started to swing it at me. I avoided it quickly as I dodged backward, and waited for his next swing. He decided to swing right at me, so I decided to dodge left and I grabbed the hand that was holding the knife causing him to lose his balance. I quickly grabbed him, holding him hostage with the knife in my other hand at his throat.

"Try it and I'll kill him.", I stated as I made a slight cut on his throat making him groan in pain.

Another guy tried to flank me by running at full speed toward me at my left but I kicked him in his lower abdomen, causing him to fall to the ground and hold his stomach in pain. I guess they really can't handle pain, can they?

"Eddie? You're good?", I asked as I kept glaring at the men in front of me who was ready to kill me at any moment.

"Yes...", he said softly.

"Get up and keep walking, I'll meet you just now.", I demanded him.

"Zoey, I can't-"

"Shut up and get moving now!", I yelled at him.

He kept quiet and followed what I said. After I could hear his footsteps far enough, I steadied myself as I let go of the guy and pushed him onto the other guys, running fast and quickly away from the scene, catching the bartender standing and nodding his head in acknowledgment.

I ran to Eddie and grabbed onto his hand and started running far away, he directed me to his home until we reached it.

"Are you okay Eddie?", I asked in concern.

"Yeah, I just need some rest.", he stated.

"Okay then...take care...we'll talk tomorrow.", I said.

I gave him a quick hug which made him groan in pain, then I realized he was hurt.

"Eddie.", I said in a stern voice.

He finally let me inside his house. It was quite neat and compact, but it looks like he just moved in yesterday.

We both sat down on his bed and I started to dress his wounds after he took out his t-shirt. He did change a lot. I watched as he clenched his teeth and shut his eyes tight as I finally stitched him up.

"Okay...I'm all done.", I said as I huffed out and took out the medical gloves, throwing them away and packing his First Aid Kit back in order.

I got up to leave, but just then he grabbed my hand.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere else?", I asked in confusion because I thought that was all the bruises and stitches I had covered.

"Stay with me.", he muttered under his breath, which was loud enough for me to hear.

"You know, I can't stay with you. I got a fiance to go home to.", I said as I pulled myself out of his grasp gently.

"I like you."

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