Chapter 64

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"Wait, you're telling me there's no way to find her, and she's just off the grid? Just like that!", Damien exclaimed.

"Yes, I've checked everywhere but something did catch my attention.", Mac stated.

"What is it?", Alex asked, finally speaking.

"There was a person under the Zoey Emmerson... who met in a car accident in City A. But there were no reports of her going to the hospital.", Mac answered Alex.

"Wait...did you say Emmerson?", Alex asked as his eyebrows scrunched up.

Mac nodded.

"Why? What happened Alex?", Alexa questioned him.

"Before I got married to Zoey, her father, Leo, had some documents on the dining table. The signature on the papers was 'Emmerson', in cursive.", Alex said.

"Wait...that means that Leo's last name is not 'Smith', but 'Emmerson'?", Damien pointed out. "Do you think Zoey would have known this?"

"Absolutely not, she's not the type that would have found it easy to hide secrets from me.", Alex said.

"The name Emmerson.... I feel like I've heard it before, but I just can't quite put my finger on it.", Alexa stated as Damien placed a hand on her shoulder.

As soon as Alex reintroduced Damien to Aleza after the drive, they felt an instant attraction again.

"Alexa, you keep working on finding what that name Emmerson is about. Damien and I will check City A if there were any witnesses during the accident, who would have found her. Mac, make sure that Alexa is safe, I have a strong feeling this is deeper.", Alex demanded.

"Got it.", Alexa, Damien, and Mac stated.

Four Weeks Later

"Morning sleepyhead, how are you doing?", Edward asked as he opened the curtains in Zoey's new room in a mansion.

"Argh...What time is it, Eddie?", Zoey questioned.

"Late enough, come. We need to start with your exercises today, after that, I got a surprise for you.", Eddie stated as he poured a cup of coffee for her and she drank it.




"You're pulling back your punches Zoey, I'm starting to wonder if you're becoming after me, I know I'm handsome but after all-"

Edward was cut off by Zoey's uppercut and multiple punches in his stomach, she then kneed him in the stomach and used her left foot to trip him. She panted as she grabbed her water bottle and drank from it, she blew her hair to one side and looked at Edward who was trying to wake up. Zoey scoffed softly as she walked up to him and offered him her hand.

"You talk too much, it's a good tactic to keep you talking while I plan my punches.", Zoey stated as Edward grabbed hold of her hand.

Edward tried to pull her down, but Zoey simply smiled as she twisted his arm behind his back, he used his free hand to tap out.

" usual. Let's call it a day, Eddie.", Zoey said before she could let go.

"You're getting better at regaining your strength after the accident.", Edward stated as he rubbed the light stubble along his jawline.

"I know."

Zoey and Edward both went to their rooms and had a bath. Zoey decided to use black joggers with a black sports bra and white running shoes.

They met up in the garden and took a walk.

"So what's the big surprise Eddie?", Zoey asked.

Eddie let off a light laugh before talking.

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