66. Shades of Gray!

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Whatever! As if anyone can stop me.

"Also let me know if you have some kind of plan in that crazy head of yours." My psycho cousin mumble. I turn back in wonder.

"I'm allowed to come up with plans?!?!?" I shout out excitedly "No matter how crazy it will sounds?" My eyes turn round-round in anticipation.

His eyes widens in anger as I unintentionally disturbed my Amy's sleep. She moved a little but didn't wake up. We sigh in unison.

Both Vegas and I looked at each other. I chuckle lightly and he just smiled.

"Any plan is welcome, no matter how crazy, if that can getting-rid-of-bloody-Screaigh happens." Vegas growls directly at me. Well, I know what he meant by that.

He's giving me a chance. Even though I don't wanna mess up anything, I feel my heart clenching just by the thought of planning someone's death.

That would be........

Hella fun! I smirk unconsciously and Vegas made a face as he intently stares at my gorgeous face.

"How did you know about...Wednesday?" He ask curiously while glancing at her.

"I have some sources." I smile secretly.

"Arm told you, didn't he?"  

I grinned widely making him roll his eyes but from the corner of my eye, I see his lips twitching.

We were silent for a while. He moved slightly but stopped as he didn't want to disturb the deep sleep of his sister. A corner of my lips lift in amusement as my tough cousin is getting tired. I'll just wait a little more for his leg to go completely numb before taking my girl back. 

Haha, it would be amazing to see him limping out of the lounge area. I want to laugh out as I accidentally imagine the scene in my crazy head.

I lean back to relax my neck on the edge of the sofa. I'm feeling sleepy which reminds me that I woke up too early. I glance up at the ceiling and close my eyes. Mainly because I didn't like the design in the center of it.

As I close my eyes, my mind started to work fast. I am sure as hell that I will manage to come up with the best plan to get rid of Screech or Screwed... or whatever. I try for like a minute to remember the villain's name but gave up before... nothing I'm just too lazy to give a damn.

I need to watch some thriller series... actually movies as we got only three days to watch a variety of things, to get ideas. I will watch some thriller and action movies with Amy and my boys just in case there's some horrifying or troublesome scenes for my soft heart.

I need to get an outfit to fancy up myself for the meeting. I already have some dark colors in my mind.

Dark shades always give dangerous vibes.

I kept my eyes closed and placed my hand beside me and felt a soft fabric near my fingers, I grabbed the material and touched it more to guess what it could be...

Ahaa her linen scarf!

I can tell with my eyes closed that I guessed correctly. I hold on to the corner of fabric and smiled at the stupid ceiling.

"I need to do something about that..." I whisper to myself.

"Did you already come up with a plan?" I get startle by the cold voice so much that my soul half left my body.

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