Chapter 60

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Shadow growled from the small amount of light that came into his cell. It blinded him slightly until it went away. When the door shut he was more annoyed to see who it was. Sonic stepped inside by himself. "What do you want?" he snarled. Sonic approached him cautiously with little emotion on his face. He stood there in front of Shadow waiting for him to say something. "Hedgehog, I'm not in the mood to see your face. So unless you have something important to tell me, I'm going to ask you to leave." he told Sonic coldly. "You don't tell me what to do, go that? Last time I checked, you were our prisoner. You'll do as you're told," Sonic retorted.

Both of them were silent for a moment. "Now, as much as I don't want to be here, I've been told that my friends wanted to give you a chance. Personally, I don't think you deserve one after all you and the others have done. But, I swore to obey my Queen and to help those around me. Don't let that think that you have any leverage here. I plan to make sure that you are well-watched without you having a chance to hurt anyone. I'm keeping a close eye on you Shadow. Nothing gets past me." Sonic warned him. Shadow narrowed his eyes before looking away. He knew all Sonic was trying to do was demean him into a smaller position to the point where he would lash out. Except unlike the other times, it wouldn't work now.

Sonic cleared his throat and headed to the door. "For now though, there's someone who wants to see you." he added before heading out of the cell. After he was gone, Rouge walked into the cell worriedly, looking straight at her friend and leader. Relieved to see her, Shadow's eyes brightened. "Rouge! Holy shit!" he chuckled.

His friend raced over and embraced him in a hug. "Oh my god! You're okay!" she gasped relieved. "Well duh. Sonic might be strong but he punches like a girl." he responded vaguely. "Hey! I take offense to that!"

"You know what I meant."

His friend scoffed while nuzzling him softly. All along he'd been rotting the cell by himself in the dark. She let a tear fall as she checked the small scratches on his face. "I'm sorry you've been on your own. If I had known-"

"There's no way you could've known Rouge. Trust me. Not even the others knew. The only one who bothered to treat me humanely was Cream. I didn't even know if you and the others were okay! Did any of them hurt you other than Knuckles? I'm gonna beat his ass the minute I get the chance."

"N-No... Not lately. But they're letting us roam free with "close surveillance" and guides. It's more like a babysitter along with a tracking device. Too bad we're not falling for their bullshit." Rouge felt the nudge on the side of her wing and looked down. She had almost forgotten that Reaper had been clinging onto her this entire time. Rouge reached down and allowed the little Chao to crawl onto her arm. She put a finger to her lips to signify that none could hear about the small creature. Shadow's eyes widened as Reaper reached out happily and clung to his nose. "He found me just yesterday. I knew our kids sent him because he has that jewel around his neck. Reapers our secret weapon."

Amazed by the facts presented to him, Shadow smiled. "I knew they were out there somewhere for us." he sighed happily. Rouge hugged him once more and nuzzled him worriedly. "How are we going to get back home? They've completely blocked off our home. Even I know you can't break past Midnight's powers." Rouge questioned. "I'm not sure. But I'll figure it out. Just stay put okay? One way or another we'll get back. Did you really think I was going to let us stay here where they continue to treat us like shit? Hell no. Not to you guys. So do what you have to if that Echidna pushes you around. Same for the others. Don't do anything that puts you into a hole or further away from home." Shadow replied calmly. "Same for you. Don't let Sonic push you over the edge."

Rolling his eyes, Shadow huffed. "He'll be lucky if I don't pound his ass." Rouge gave him a look while lifting her eyebrow. "That came out wrong." Shadow replied quickly realizing what he said. Rouge laughed heartedly and ruffled his quills. "And you wonder why I can't take you seriously."

With that, she was escorted out of the cell leaving her best friend alone once more. Sonic entered the cell again and glared at the pitch-black hedgehog.

"Are you ready?" Sonic questioned as he held up a pair of keys. Shadow cocked his head to the side confused. After catching onto what he was saying, he groaned. "Do I have a choice?" he growled. Sonic lowered his hand and shrugged. "I suppose it is." 

Shadow then shook his head.

"Then leave me in here. I'm not going out there where you've walked around so happily for years while I suffered on the other side."

Angered, Sonic left the cell and slammed the door before it buzzed to signify it had locked. Shadow sneered knowing that they were getting away with something they wouldn't see coming.

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