Chapter 4

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It wasn't until the next morning that the five teens realized what happened to them. Midnight woke up in a jail cell while sleeping on a cot. Waking up from all that happened, Midnight threw off her covers and raced to the bars.

She shook them and tried using her powers on them. But for some reason, the bars didn't break apart. "Hey! Let me out of here! Let me out!" Midnight shouted. "Ugh, Midnight. Be quiet. It's too early for this." Mystic groaned as he slept. "Mystic! Wake up! You have to! PLEASE!" Midnight cried shaking the young jackal awake. Mystic growled but got up anyway to look around and realized Midnight wasn't joking.

He stood up to walk around and headed straight to the bars. He tried using his own powers on the bars but they wouldn't work either. "W-Where's the others?" he asked worriedly. "I don't know! What are we going to do!" Midnight asked panicked. "I'm not sure! Dad never told me what to do if we ever got caught!" Mystic replied. That's when they noticed the camera in their cell. "You bastards! Cowards! Let us out of here and we'll show you what we can do!" Midnight shouted at it, trying to get attention from the outside.

Meanwhile, in another location, Knuckles clicked the machines' buttons. In different cells were settled and trying to get out themselves but couldn't. After a couple of seconds, Knuckles left it alone and turned to look at his friends that were settled at the table. "As you can see, we've got company. Specifically, ones that have never been in our town before." Knuckles explained.

His friends; Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream, Espio, Silver, Vector, Charmy, and Blaze. They were the official council for their town. Together they discussed problems for the town and what could happen next or what events they would bring to the town. "So, what happened last night?" Sonic asked his echidna friend. "Last night, we received an emergency call saying that the Chaos Emeralds had been snatched. We caught these five running away as the call was made. Managing to capture all five without much effort. Since then, we've lost all seven Chaos Emerald and I haven't had any traces to find them." Knuckles explained further.

"Well, even I'll admit. This is a huge robbery to go after the Emeralds. But why are you so worried about these guys?" Tails asked curiously. "Well, I wasn't at first. Until," he explained, using a remote to project on a screen nearby. "I realized they have much more complex powers. Some that may or may not look very familiar." Knuckles said, playing the video showing them the teens and their abilities that were caught on camera.

All of them realized that they looked awfully familiar. Especially Midnight. She resembled a certain hedgehog they knew. "She looks a lot like... Shadow." Amy gasped looking at her. "The other one, he looks a lot like Mephiles!" Cream added. "So wait... did our old companions have..." Espio began, not being able to comprehend what he was seeing. "I think so. I just can't believe they, of everyone we know, would have kids!" Vector said, throwing his hands in the air.

Knuckles turned off the screen and looked back at his friends. "Well, I don't even know why they're here. Or even if they're tied with robbing the Chaos Emeralds. Even if they are, what can we do? They're just kids!" Knuckles asked them. "You know just as well as I do that trying to contact anyone from the other town is pointless. No one does return calls or messages from the Mobius community!" Silver replied.

"Perhaps we try talking with the teens ourselves first. Keep a good eye on them until we figure something out." Blaze suggested, flicking her tail angelically. "That might actually be a good idea! We could try to find out why they're here and then our best to help them out! If they're from the other town, there must be a reason why they bothered coming all the way out here for Chaos Emeralds if they did!" Charmy replied. "That's not a bad idea! It'll make them more comfortable." Cream replied.

"Then it's settled?" Tails asked. "Yes, I'll take care of a couple and Amy will help me deal with the rest. "Alright, well, let's get to it!" Amy replied happily.

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