Chapter 12

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In the cells in the improved dungeon, the Queen herself walked along with her guards and Astro and Catrina. Fade was almost free but stopped after hearing the footsteps. She was the first to be released and brought out. "Let go of me! Bastards!" she shouted as they dragged her through the hall. Carefully, they opened Mystic's cage to let him out. However, they left him chained up as he walked forward. Smoke was let out but poked with spears now and again as he tried to fight. Diamond was last to be set free. She cried her heart out and hugged Mystic who reassured her that everything was okay.

The four were reunited with, Queen Elise who had Astro and Catrina at her side. Her face was simple as she walked over towards them. Carefully, she approached them, each one giving her looks of disgust. "What do you want with us? And where's Midnight!" Smoke snapped. "You're friend will join us shortly. But I have a proposal for you," Elise began. 

"Thanks to these two right here, I've decided to give each one of your one last chance to get yourselves together. What you've done around here the past few days hasn't followed our conduct around here where we can live peacefully. I don't get why you would want to do this to our community. But it isn't right. We're assuming that you haven't had the best life that you could've been offered. So our friends here are gonna assist you. For the sake of our town, we're going to need you to cooperate."

All of them thought for a second. "What's in it for us?" Fade growled. "Well... I haven't decided. But if anything, I promise you new homes here, and possibly one day to return home." she reassured.

Seeing no other option, they sighed and nodded their heads. "Very well! I'll bring you your other friend in just a minute. These two will give you an assigned leader that'll help you around the area. Just know, this isn't something you'll regret." he sighed. She walked away and they were left with the guards and Astro and Catrina. "Hey, we know you're not happy. But we promise we're going to help you!" Astro reassured.

Smoke who was the least traumatized at the moment walked up in his face, his teeth snarled like a dog's. "I don't care if you help us or not. We're never going to forgive you or anyone else for this. The fact that we're doing this without Midnight's leadership is a big step for us. You should know that nothing you do can change who we are. And don't you forget it." he snapped before walking off. 

No one said anything else as they now followed Smoke's lead. "This isn't going to be easy..." Catrina sighed. "I know. But we shouldn't be so negative. They're counting on us!" Astro cried. "I know I know... let's just get this sorted out before they run away again." Catrina sighed once more. That's when they walked out of the dungeon and up out where Midnight was awakening once again. Let's just say looks could kill, they wouldn't be there to give them the most terrible news ever... they could never go back.


Midnight and Diamond were together with Typhoon and Curd as their watchers. Neither of them liked the two boys that watched over them constantly. But today, they were going to the Chao garden for some relaxation. "I'm glad we could find some free time today! You two are going to love this place! My friend Cheese lives here with his family!" Cream smiled as Sonic assisted her over a few rocks. "I'm excited to see the little guys again! We've had so much on our plate lately." Sonic added.

Both girls rolled their eyes and tried not to stumble over loose rocks. "This is pointless..." Diamond growled. Sonic and Cream glanced at each other before sighing heavily. "It's not too bad once you get there! All the little Cho's are really cute! Cheese is really nice too! Maybe you can find someone to hang with!" Curd reassured.

"Pfft. Don't count on it, Curd. Cho's are nice. Not brutal!" Typhon retorted as he crinkled his nose in disgust. Diamond almost opened her mouth before Midnight placed her hand on her shoulder and stopped her. "Don't be mean!" Curd whispered. "Ok... I'll try." After walking a little bit further, they uncovered the garden that was some ways away from the town altogether. The minute they walked inside, many little Cho's flew over towards them, arms open.

The only Chao who wore the bowtie, Cheese raced over to love and hug her. "Ha! It's good to see you too Cheese! It's been so long!" she giggled. "Chew chew!" he greeted. His attention turned to Curd, Sonic, and Typhoon who smiled at him happily.

"Hey Cheese! We're so happy to see you! We have some new friends here! Would you be willing to show some of your friends and family to them?" Curd asked happily. "Chew chew! Chew chew chew!" he chewed, smiling to his Chao friends who happily flew over to the others that were joining his side. Curd giggled and Typhoon smiled as he held another in his hand. "I don't want to be here Midnight! These... things are so weird!" Diamond whined as she pushed one Chao about from her.

Midnight rolled her eyes and swiped another one away from her. "We'll figure something out. They can't keep us like this forever. Just... go with it for now." she reassured.

Annoyed, Diamond walked away from her and went to find some peace of mind. Midnight, when she walked around the whole garden, noticed a little blob on a flat slab of rock. Except on closer inspection, she saw it was a completely different Chao. The others she's seen are either blue and yellow, or blue and white. This one was different. They were black and red. Sitting all by themself, looking down sadly.

Strange enough, Midnight felt some connection with them and sat down. "Hey. Little guy," she alerted. The Chao turned around and looked right up at her. He growled slightly. "Hey hey! I'm not gonna hurt you! I just... I wanted to see if we could relate..." she sighed. The Dark Chao turned around and looked up at her. "Well... I was kind of forced to live over here. I'm surprised to see someone like you around here. What are you doing with a bunch of goody-goodies... whatever you guys are..?" she asked. "Chew... chew chew." the Dark Chao replied. The Dark Chao looked at the hedgehog in front of him closer and realized that she looked awfully familiar.

"Chew chew chew!" he cheered. "Woah Woah, what's up?" Midnight chuckled as the Chao began loving on her gratefully. "Chew!" he cheered. "Yo Diamond, get over here!" Diamond heard her shouts and frowned as the Dark Chao flew up and greeted her happily as well. "Woah, this one is actually decent!" she giggled.

Whatever it was that they liked, Cream, Cheese, Sonic, and the two teens all noticed it. "Oh, you've made a Chao friend! Who is it?" Cream asked happily. Midnight turned around, holding the Chao still, a smile on her face. Sonic jolted back and realized what they found. "Please tell us you're kidding." Sonic said unintentionally. "What? No! We both care about this Chao and apparently he cares about us. Unlike the rest of you..." Midnight snapped.

Before anyone could say anything, Cream put a hand on her shoulder. "It's not that! We're just happy you made a friend! So... Cheese, which one is this?" she asked. "Chew chew chew. Chew chew chew chew." Cheese replied. "Well, according to Cheese, this one was brought here by Sonic himself. He's been like this forever. He doesn't talk much though." "You got all that from seven 'chew's'?" Diamond asked curiously. "Yes?"

Both of them rolled their eyes as the Dark Chao laughed maniacally. "Does he have a name, Chao?" Midnight asked curiously. Cheese nodded and chewed. "He said his name is Reaper." Cream told her. "WOW! He already has the perfect name!" Diamond awed holding Reaper close to her side. "He's ours!" Midnight cheered. "Absolutely not!" Sonic said.

Cream stopped him and pulled him aside. "Uh, Sonic, I understand you're worried. But we've already taken away so much as a group. We should at least give them this." she sighed. "Yeah except this one isn't like the rest of the Cho's! He's Shadow's old Chao that we captured long ago! If they found out about everything... We can't risk it!" he cried. "Just... Just give them this and we'll be fine!" Cream reassured. Sonic sighed and nodded. "Alright. I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea."

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